Stream Research in a Non-Major Environmental Biology Course Donald L Stream Research in a Non-Major Environmental Biology Course Donald L. Williams, Ed. D., Assoc. Prof. of Biology and Carol Sanders, Ph. D. Assoc. Prof. of Biology, Park University, Parkville, MO. ABSTRACT Non-major biology students, at best, tolerate the mandatory general education science with laboratory course and at worst fear or may even loath it. They enroll in such a course out of necessity to meet a graduation requirement. To challenge and excite students about science, and to make it more real to them, a field research activity is employed. In the Biology Program at Park University we use the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Stream Team activities to demonstrate real-world data collection and data analysis. This poster presentation shows how Stream Team activities are used for laboratory investigations as an attempt to engage students in real-world science. Professors’ Philosophy: Everyone can “do” science Science should not be “feared” Basic knowledge of science enhances one’s appreciation of the world This activity fulfills Park University’s Mission Statement “. . . will prepare learners to think critically, communicate effectively and engage in lifelong learning while serving a global community.” Missouri Stream Team Philosophy Working partnership of citizens who are concerned about Missouri Streams Opportunity for all interested to get involved in river conservation Stream Team goals: Education, Stewardship, & Advocacy Source: Teams.asp Students surprise themselves as to how involved they become in searching for “critters.” A small mesh seine is used to capture specimens Benefits of this Non Majors Research Stream data is reported to the MO Department of Natural Resources where it is used to monitor the health of Missouri’s streams Non-biology majors become excited about the environment Students see the application of science to their world! Collecting Kit of easily acquired materials. Once the net is spread over a supporting frame the specimens are collected. Students enjoy being outside. Bringing collected material up from the stream bed.