Mutagenesis efficiency of different mariner kanamycin vectors in magic pool. Mutagenesis efficiency of different mariner kanamycin vectors in magic pool. On the basis of barcode frequency associated with each vector in the mariner-kan magic pool, we show the fraction of unique insertions that map to each of the 10 transposon vector designs in the preliminary mutant library generated with the mariner-Kan magic pool. For a description of all of the parts in each vector, see Table S1 in the supplemental material. Abbreviations: Brev2, Brevundimonas sp. strain GW460-12-10-4-LB2; Sphingo3, Sphingobium sp. strain GW456-12-10-14-TSB1; Sphingo4, Sphingopyxis sp. strain GW247-27LB. Hualan Liu et al. mSystems 2018; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00143-17