Watervliet City School District M.Saucier - Technology Simple Machines Watervliet City School District M.Saucier - Technology
Simple Machines - Introduction (week 1) Students begin with a Close reading assignment of the tools and materials section in the textbook. (Chapter 3) Vocabulary and questions assigned Mc Graw Hill - Introduction to Technology Students will then be guided through, and take notes on the Simple Machines Slideshow.
Simple Machines: Identify (pt.1) One Day Students will get into pairs, and retrieve 2 hand tools from the lab. They will need to write down and then present to the class which simple machines can be found in the tool
Simple Machines - Identify (pt2) one day Students will again be put into groups and given a packet containing several examples of Classic Cartoons by Rube Goldberg. A brief Biography is then explained to the students, and how he has influenced modern media. (list movies, cartoons, television shows) Students will then be asked to go through each of the cartoons and label the corresponding step of the Rube Goldberg machine to the appropriate simple machine. Here is the packet.
Simple Machines - Examples one day Students will spend the period watching examples from the internet of Rube Goldberg Machines. Students are expected to Identify and callout the simple machines they see, as well and take notes on the materials used to create them. Links list of Examples.
Simple Machines - The Project 7-10 days As a class the students will be given the Rubric for the Project, and it will be reviewed. Students will then follow the “Problem Solving Process” (previously learned) to start working their way through the assignment. Link to Rubric
Simple Machines - Alt. Assessment 5 days Students who are not confident / qualified to work in the lab will be given the choice of Completing the following worksheet, or using the worksheet to create a slideshow answering the questions and showcasing student work. Link to Alt. Assessment
Simple Machines - Student Work Examples of Student built Rube Goldberg Machines: 1 2 3 4 5
Simple Machines - Alt. Student work 1 Slideshow - This will be presented to the class by the student who created it. 2 Document
Simple Machines - Standards Link to the State Standards Document. Link to the Shared Learning Objectives - Format Sheet - Option 4