JUDGMENT - GREAT HARLOT Rev. 17:1-18:24 The harlot is the city of Rome All the kings of the earth commit immorality with her (17:1, 2) Sits on the Beast (17:3) Drunk on blood of the saints (17:6) Sits on seven hills (17:9) Water she sits on are peoples and nations (17:15, 16) The great city ruling over the kings of the world (17:18)
JUDGMENT - GREAT HARLOT Rev. 17:1-18:24 Harlot Destroyed by the Beast & Ten Kings Rev. 17:16-17 Beast is Roman Empire ruled by emperors that will lead it into judgment (Rev. 17:7-11) Seven heads represent the rulers of the Roman Empire Ten horn are ten kings who have the authority like the beast (Rev. 17:12-18) Have one purpose: to give power and authority to the beast
JUDGMENT - GREAT HARLOT Rev. 17:1-18:24 Heads of Beast are Emperors Rev. 17:9-11 Seven heads = seven kings Five fallen: Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero One is - Vespasian (AD 69-79) Not yet, remain a little while - Titus (AD 79-81) Eighth - Domitian (AD 81-96)
JUDGMENT - GREAT HARLOT Rev. 17:1-18:24 Great Harlot Condemned for Persecution of Christians Rev. 18:24 Babylon’s sins Dwelling place of demons Prison of every unclean spirit Prison of every unclean and hateful bird All nations drank of her immortality Kings of the earth have a committed immorality with her Merchants have become rich by her sensuality
JUDGMENT - GREAT HARLOT Rev. 17:1-18:24 Great Harlot Condemned for Persecution of Christians Rev. 18:24 People called out of Babylon Not to participate in hers sins to not receive her plagues God’s judgment Sin piled high to heaven God remembered her iniquities God gave her back double according to her deeds Receive torment and mourning for her pride
GOD’S RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT Rev. 19:1-21 Praise to God for Judgment Rev. 19:1-6 Hallelujah = Praise God Halal - praise Jah-God Those who offer praise for judgment of the harlot Great multitude in heaven (Redeemed) Twenty-four elders & living creatures Bond-servants
GOD’S RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT Rev. 19:1-21 Marriage Feast of the Lamb Rev. 19:7-10 Saints invited to the marriage feast Marriage of the Lamb has come Bride is ready - Dressed in fine linen = righteous deeds Relationship between God and his people depicted as a marriage (Hos. 2:19-20; Isa. 54:5; Matt. 22:10) Blessed are those invited to the marriage feast points happy fulfillment for the faithful
GOD’S RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT Rev. 19:1-21 White Horse Rider’s Victory Rev. 19:11-18 Description of rider Faithful and true Judges with righteousness Wages war, Armies of heaven follow him Eyes of flaming fire Many diadems on His head Name called the word of God Sharp sword from his mouth to smite nations King of kings and Lord of lords Assurance of Christ’s victory over Rome
GOD’S RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT Rev. 19:1-21 Defeat of Beast & False Prophet Announced Rev. 19:19-21 Beast and kings of the earth make war with rider of white horse Beast and false prophet thrown into the lake of fire False prophet deceived those who had the mark of the beast and worshipped his image Rest were killed by the sword from the mouth of Him who sits on the white horse