LEARNING LINKS: What will be at explored, achieved, discussed and learned in our class this term? SCIENCE AND ICT HUMANITIES (History, Geography, RE) PE AND PSHE Science: How are particles different in solids, liquids and gases? Can I sort materials into these categories? Can materials change state? Are all changes reversible or permanent? What is condensation/evaporation? How does this relate to the water cycle? Can we plan our own investigation? Can we record our findings effectively? Can we explain our findings? ICT: Can we use garage band to create our own music inspired by the coast? What instruments would be most suited to this style of music? Can we layer different instruments? Can we edit our music? Dance: How can we use movement and shape to imitate the waves or movement of a storm? Can we sequence movements together effectively? Can we work collaboratively in dance? Can we respond the music? Can we move in time to the music? Can we use a canon effect? How can we use expression ? Golf: How do we hold a golf club? What are the rules to golf? How can we control the direction of the ball? How can we control the distance the ball travels? PSHE: How can we care for the environment around us? How can we stay safe at the coast and in the sun and water? What is a coast ? What is the difference between rivers and oceans? What geographical features do we find at the coast? How does coastal erosion differ from river erosion? How have coastlines changed over time? How are rivers formed? What are the names of the major rivers around the world? How are rivers and oceans used by people around the world? How can we protect the coast? What is water pollution? What steps can we take to reduce it? What is the water cycle? How can you help at Home? Visit a coastline/river. Take photos of the erosion that you see. Create a poster to tell people how to look after the coastline. How can you help at Home? Can you create a model/poster to show how the particles look inside solids , liquids and gases? Create a list or draw as many different solids, liquids and gases as you can think of. How can you help at Home? Join a new sports club. Listen to coastal music—what movements best suit this style of music? Can you make up your own routine? Can you think of movements to add to our class dance? YEAR 4 THEME TERM 3: Erosion- Water, Water Everywhere! CLASS BOOK: Why The Whales Came- Michael Morpurgo MATHS LITERACY Calculation: Can we solve maths problems involving +/-/x/÷? Use written and mental methods? Can we use estimations to help us solve problems? Can we explain our methods? Can we work strategically? Can we use the inverse to check our calculations? Fractions: Can we find identify fractions of amounts? How can we use diagrams to identify equivalent fractions? Can we add, subtract, simplify and compare fractions? When do we use fractions in everyday life? How can we use them to solve problems? Topic links: How long is the coast? How can we use tables and graphs to compare opinions about the coast? How can we solve problems relating to the coastline? Can we use coordinates and plot points on maps? Poetry: What are the different types of poetry? Can we use syllables and rhyming couplets to create rhythm? Can we use figurative and descriptive language? Explanation: Can I use sequential language to explain a process? Can I order information? Why are diagrams and flow charts important? Can I use adverbial phrases and other clauses to add more information? Fiction: How could we use descriptive language to describe a coastline setting? How can we create drama and suspense? CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT (Art, Music, Design technology) DT: Can we draw a realistic and achievable fair ground ride model? Can we label and explain our designs? What materials would be most effective? How can we make our model move? What tools should we use? Can we evaluate our designs? Art: How is the coast and waves shown in artwork? How is movement shown in the artwork? Can we use shade and tone in our artwork? Can we create our own coastal art? How can you help at Home? Read other stories set on the coast. What descriptive language and phrases can you identify? Look at pictures of the coastline. Write some poems inspired by this. Make sure that your can spell all high frequency words attached to your spelling sheet. You need to know these words. How can you help at Home? Make sure your know your division and multiplication facts to 12. How quickly can you do this? Keep practising reading both analogue and digital time at home. Create your own time diary of your weekend, an imaginary day or a using story events. Learn to read the time!! How can you help at Home? Look at different coastal artwork. Can you create your own picture of the coast using different materials? Make a lifeboat out of different materials. How could you make it float?