Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) plots of fecal and biopsy sample-based Bray-Curtis distances computed from the relative abundances of the 258 most prevalent OTUs. (A) NMDS plot displaying fecal and biopsy samples from the main study individual. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) plots of fecal and biopsy sample-based Bray-Curtis distances computed from the relative abundances of the 258 most prevalent OTUs. (A) NMDS plot displaying fecal and biopsy samples from the main study individual. Colors represent the different sampling sites, and the distance between the circles represent similarity of the assemblage of OTUs comprising a sample. Clear separation was observed between the fecal samples and the biopsy samples (P << 0.001 by ANOSIM). Dim1, dimension 1. (B) NMDS plot of the biopsy samples obtained in triplicate from seven different locations along the GI tract. Significant structuring was observed between the anatomically distinct sampling sites (P << 0.001 by ANOSIM). Eric J. de Muinck et al. mSystems 2017; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00086-17