12.04.2019 SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE Have you ever felt that you have been treated unfairly in comparison to other(s) because: Of your gender identity? Of your age? You speak a different language? You do not have a high social status? You do not have a high financial status? Because your skin colour is different? Because you come from a small region and have specific traditions? 12.04.2019
WHAT IS DISCRIMINATION? 12.04.2019 WHAT IS DISCRIMINATION? DISCRIMINATION (in general: “prohibited/different treatment”) Such as language Ethnic or racial belonging an unfair treatment based on: nationality Social background person’s sex religion Others? (New Zealand – 21 prohibited grounds) 12.04.2019
COUNTERACTING DISCRIMINATION: INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS 12.04.2019 COUNTERACTING DISCRIMINATION: INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1953) European Social Charter (1961) International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966; revised 1976) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (PART II) (1966; revised 1976) Charter of the Fundamental Human Rights of the European Union (2000) EU Racial Equality Directive (2000) EU Employment Equality Directive (2000) Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of specific grounds New Zealand – 21 grounds of discrimination are prohibited by the Human Rights Act of 1993 12.04.2019
TYPES OF DISCRIMINATION DIRECT DISCRIMINATION STRUCTURAL INDIRECT DISCRIMINATION Institutions create obstacles for certain groups via: neutral condition / NO intent Same Situations – Different Treatment Indirect effects routines norms rules or Disproportional negative impacts Different Situations – Same Treatment Patterns of attitude and behavior 12.04.2019
DIRECT, INDIRECT AND STRUCTURAL DISCRIMINATION EXAMPLES DIRECT: an employer doesn’t want to hire women, justifying it by saying that sooner or later they get pregnant and he will have to pay allowance and social benefits while they are on maternity leave. INDIRECT: Minimum height of 176 cm required for applying for a position of a firefighter. STRUCTURAL: automatically placing all Roma children in special schools. 12.04.2019
MULTI-DIMENSIONAL AND INTERSECTIONAL DISCRIMINATION 12.04.2019 MULTI-DIMENSIONAL AND INTERSECTIONAL DISCRIMINATION Multiple discrimination Intersectional discrimination Discrimination on several grounds (e.g. gender and nationality) Several discriminatory grounds intersect (e.g. an employee employs white women and Roma men, but doesn’t employ Roma women) 12.04.2019
NON-DISCRIMINATION AND EQUALITY 12.04.2019 NON-DISCRIMINATION AND EQUALITY What does non-discrimination and equality means? Are they important and why? Are you familiar with any national frameworks to prevent discrimination? Are there such at your school? What measures can be taken at school level to prevent discrimination and to address cases of such? 12.04.2019
WORLD-CAFE FORMAT DISCUSSION Can you think of any real example or potential case of direct, indirect or/and structural discrimination at school? multi-dimensional/multiple discrimination at school? intersectional discrimination at school? Are there any mechanisms at your school to prevent/counteract/resolve the identified cases of discrimination? If not, what do you think should be in place? Have you felt discriminated in your role as an educator? What are the potential risks? Are there any mechanisms at school to ensure non- discrimination of staff? 12.04.2019