Global Insight’s Corporate Mission Our goal is to be the world’s recognized leader in providing economic, financial and market intelligence, solutions and insights to corporations, financial institutions and governments around the globe. We are committed to helping our clients prepare better plans and reach more effective decisions that will make them more successful, which in turn will contribute to improved global productivity and a better standard of living for people everywhere. 4/9/2019
Welcome! Diana Wyman, Strategic Account Executive From your Account Management Team Diana Wyman, Strategic Account Executive 781-860-6005 Michele Rowan, Regional Account Manager 610-490-2820
Experience, Reputation, Breadth and Depth Surpassing Any Other Firm in Our Industry Over 35 Years of Experience in Econometric Modeling, Economic and Industry Analysis, and Forecasting. Reputation Superior forecasting capabilities acknowledged by 2002 London Times Forecaster Survey. Breadth and Depth 500 Professional Staff Depth of economic analysis 39 global economists with nearly 50 analysts. Breadth of coverage Extensive knowledgeable in-house global sector expertise covering steel, autos, agriculture, consumer, telecom and IT, semi-conductors, chemicals, energy, utilities, travel & tourism, trade & transportation and other sectors. Reach: Global with 23 Offices in 12 Countries 4/9/2019
Our Clients More than 3,000 clients, globally Decision Makers, Planners and Analysts Planning and budgeting Purchasing Strategy, market opportunities and risks Efficient use of resources In Every Sector Business B2B, B2B2C and B2C Finance Government 4/9/2019
We are Your Company’s Business Economics Department We strive to keep you current and knowledgeable on the opportunities and risks of your Marketplace Bring New Forecasting Services based on Client Needs: U.S. Construction and U.S. Media and Advertising, and multi-client studies in several industry area are in the pipeline. Regularly Provide insight into Global Economic and Industry Issues: Articles and Webcasts Available on a Complimentary Basis: On-call Analytical Support for Our Clients: On-call e-mail and telephone support by over 200 economists and analysts Economic and Industry client conferences Product Information and Contact Support by our Custom Resource Center and 4/9/2019
Global Insight Economic and Industry Services – Our Building Blocks Benefit to Our Building Blocks Our core capabilities provide Internal consistency across all Global Insight services and enable customization of deliverables Information, expertise and data sharing across industry and economy forecasting models and practices. Capabilities: Forecasts incorporated from these will be presented today in the following order: International Macro and Global Risk Service Forecasts and analyses of 200 countries Daily, weekly, monthly commentary and analysis Monthly and quarterly forecast updates Comprehensive risk assessments of 117 countries 4/9/2019
Presentations of Building Blocks continued…. Latin America and Canadian Services with the U.S. Economic Service The U.S. Service forecasts 1,900 economic and financial indicators on a monthly basis with analysis for over 12 key sectors, and three forecast scenarios. U.S. Regional Service U.S. state, metro area, and county forecasts, and residential real-estate forecasts World Industry Service Forecasts production and revenue for 66 industries across 70 countries U.S. Industry Analyses and Risk 135 sectors analyzed. 4/9/2019
How My Clients Apply our Fact-based, Action-oriented“Tools” Market Sizing, Sales Forecasting, and Strategic Market Targeting We help companies develop a more market – focused internal planning process. And, provide information tools to help companies measure, select and anticipate market opportunities. This promotes sales growth and profitability. Policy and Economic Impact Analysis and Planning for External Communications We provide corporations with credible independent research and “view” needed to support legislative lobbying, corporate communications, and investor relations activities. Infrastructure and Other Capital Investment Risk Assessment We identify and help companies manage the important risks of operating in their local and global markets. 4/9/2019
Let’s Get Started! Purpose of this today’s seminar: Agenda details: To provide “Insights” and “Tools” for Input into Your Organization’s Successful Planning Programs. And, To connect you with our leadership for effective relationship building. Afternoon Sessions are to Meant to Further Your Internal Forecasting Expertise. Outlook presentations focused on the economic drivers and trends in your end-market sectors – consumer or business. Learn from our consultants how to approach forecasting processes based on econometric modeling. Agenda details: Located in your binder; Please Ask Wendy Minnis questions related to the program and meeting faculties. Feedback, please! 4/9/2019