Meetings Primary means of resolving issues A17 Standards Committee holds face to face meetings 3 times a year All other Committees May meet up to 4 times a year Face to face or Teleconferences and web conferences are also used
Quorum Necessary to formally conduct business Defined as at least 50% of the membership that is allowed to vote If quorum is not reached, actions at the meeting must be approved by recorded vote
Representatives If a member cannot attend a meeting they may send a representative Acts on behalf of the member and counts toward a quorum May participate in all committee business, with the exception of standards actions Must be accepted by the Chair
Standards Actions Standards Actions can only be voted on by the voting members Include editorial revisions and technical revisions to standards Approval needs 2/3 affirmative vote provided a quorum is present Almost always done by electronic ballot
Administrative Actions Can be voted on by members and representatives Include membership, adopting minutes and agendas, agreeing to a meeting schedule, and revisions to procedures Most typical action voted at a meeting
Basic Principles of ASME Code Committee Operations Meetings for the consideration of standards actions shall be open to the interested public. Non-members are permitted to attend meetings and participate by asking questions and offering comments. They may not interfere with committee proceedings. Interested and qualified individuals (representing all categories of code users) are eligible for committee membership.
Basic Principles of ASME Code Committee Operations Members may be asked to review proposals developed by other committees. A thoughtful review and suggestions for improvement are expected and appreciated.