Political parties
Democrats & Republicans Far and away the most important parties in American politics 98% of US Senators; 100% of US Representatives 98% of State Governors & enormous majority of State legislators are also members of one party or the other 2014 Pew poll showed 32% of Americans as registered Democrats, 23 % registered Republicans, 39% independent
Democrats Tend to do better (in recent elections) among racial and ethic minority voters, women voters, younger voters, secular voters -Often considered “liberal” or “left” -meaning of terms changes over time
Republicans Tend to do better (in recent elections) among white voters, male voters, older voters, Christian voters -Often considered “conservative” or “right” -meaning of terms changes over time
Minor Political Parties Some of the larger ones include… GREEN PARTY (environmentalism, social justice focus) LIBERTARIAN PARTY (individual liberty, small government focus) COMMUNIST PARTY (focus on dramatic restructuring of politics/economics) CONSTITUTION PARTY (focus on originalist, strict adherence to Constitution)