Greater Kaweah GSA Board Meeting 2015 GEI VP Planning Meeting Succession Greater Kaweah GSA Board Meeting Monday, December 10, 2018 Mike
Water Accounting Framework Status East Kaweah GSA Board provided staff with policy direction on 12/3. Kaweah GSA managers working on scheduling a meeting to negotiate a recommended approach for their respective boards to consider.
Technical Support Services Grant DWR approved the request for Technical Support Services funding on 11/5/18. Additional information was provided by GEI and DWR is reviewing the supplemental application.
Kaweah Subbasin Coordination Numerical Model Calibrated model checks have been completed and the model has been made available to the GSA managers. Subbasin Basin Setting Components Report The document revisions have been completed and made available to the Subbasin Tech Team for its review. Subbasin Tech Team has been meeting regularly to review the development of SMCs and the Subbasin level definitions of Undesirable Results.
Undesirable Results Definitions The Subbasin Tech Team has reviewed the draft definitions of the Subbasin Undesirable Results. These definitions are meant to be broad enough to allow the three GSAs to manage their areas without causing the Subbasin to be in violation. Each respective GSA will review these definitions and provide feedback to the Subbasin Tech Team and consultants.
Sustainable Management Criteria The term “Sustainable Management Criteria” (SMCs) refer to Minimum Thresholds, Interim Milestones, and Measurable Objectives. A Minimum Threshold is a quantitative value that, when exceeded, can cause an Undesirable Result. This represents the point of avoidance! A Measurable Objective is a quantitative goal that reflects the desired groundwater condition of the Management Area while maintaining a volume of operational flexibility. This represents the point of management! Represents the average or normal groundwater condition An Interim Milestone is a trend line value that represents projected changes in groundwater condition, based on implementation of projects and management actions. Provides a “check point” as the Sustainability deadline of 2040 approaches
SMCs – Defining Minimum Thresholds The point at which significant and unreasonable impacts over the planning and implementation horizon, as determined by depth/elevation of water, affect the reasonable and beneficial use of, and access to, groundwater by overlying users. Project groundwater elevation in 2040 (no action scenario) Adjust to avoid impacts to reasonable and beneficial uses Maintain relationship to adjacent Management Areas Established by the GSA, in coordination with the adjacent GSA(s)
SMCs – Defining Minimum Thresholds Review GW trends for Water Years 2006 through 2016. Fit trend line to Representative Wells, grouped by location and hydrologic characteristics. Extend trend to 2040 for each Representative Wells group. Use Well Construction Details to determine the percentage of wells (by type) that could be dewatered along the 2040 Trend for each Representative Wells group. Agricultural Domestic Municipal & Industrial Establishment of Minimum Thresholds for each Representative Monitoring Site to be coordinated such that violations do not occur within the neighboring Management Areas/GSAs.
SMCs – Defining Measurable Objectives Once a Minimum Threshold has been established, the Measurable Objective can be defined as the average groundwater condition that provides the GSA with operational flexibility. Example: Groundwater level which provides enough groundwater storage for a 10-year drought. The Measurable Objective can be defined as an average, rather than a specific value. Allows for the GSA to act if groundwater levels continue to decline, without triggering a violation.
Sustainable Management Criteria
GSP Development Basin Setting Chapter Monitoring Network Chapter GKGSA Basin Setting Chapter draft to be completed by 12/21, provide that there are no further revisions to be made to the Subbasin’s Basin Setting Components Report. Monitoring Network Chapter Preliminary Draft to be completed by 12/13. Chapter to be completed with the selection of Representative Monitoring Sites Sustainability Goal and Undesirable Results Chapter Draft of chapter to be completed with approval of Undesirable Results definitions and adoption of Sustainability Goal for the Subbasin.
GSP Development Schedule (6-Month Look Ahead) SUBBASIN ACTIVITIES Complete Groundwater Model Update Groundwater Model Simulations Complete Basin Setting/Water Budget SMC Goal and SI Assessment Define Management Areas Water Level Projections Develop Thresholds and Objectives for MAs 2018 Nov Dec Jan 2019 Feb Mar Apr Complete Basin Setting Chapter GSA Specific Model Simulations Projects and Management Actions Draft Monitoring Network Chapter SMC Thresholds and Objectives – Iterative Process Developed by Stakeholders Informed by technical information including groundwater modeling GSA Deliverable Complete Monitoring Network Chapter Complete SMC Chapter
GKGSA - Call for Projects SGMA requires that GSAs include a description of proposed projects, as well as: Public Notice and Outreach Process Permitting and Regulatory Process Benefits of Each Project Source and Reliability of Water for Each Project Legal Authority Required Costs and Funding CEQA/NEPA Considerations The GSP chapter describing these projects will also include a description of the Management Actions and Adaptive Management practices to be implemented.
GKGSA - Call for Projects
TAC Canceled December 4th and January 1st meetings. Working on scheduling a meeting in early January. Likely agenda items for upcoming meetings include: Basin Setting & Water Budget Monitoring Network Sustainability Goal and Undesirable Results Measurement Projects & Management Actions
Combined RCC & SC Met December 5th. Canceled December 24th RCC and January 2nd SC meetings. Next combined meeting scheduled for January 9th @ 10am.