EU motorcycle OBD-II, following Euro 5 revision process Status update and overview OBD-II requirements are included in 168/2013, 44/2014 and 134/2014 Euro 5 revision process of 44/2014 and 134/2014 is CLOSED and resulted in amendment 2018/295 (published) Euro 5 revision process of 168/2013 is in final stage. It is estimated that discussion with close before end of 2018; publication early 2019 The Euro 5 revision process introduced a phased introduction of requirements. Principle OBD-II is mandatory from 2020 (new types), whilst some additional OBD-II requirements become mandatory from 2024
OBD-II timing; Overview of requirements PHASE A: 2020/2021 (new type / existing type) OBD-I requirements + Misfire + Oxygen sensor (+ other elements in Table 12-1 of 44/2014-Annex XII) with OTL1* + IUP data collection – no Ratio requirement PHASE B: 2024/2025 (new type / existing type) OBD-I + OBD-II phase A requirements + Catalyst monitoring* with OTL2* IUPR 0,1 * EC proposal, subject to formal adoption by European Parliament and Council and publication in the OJ