Exchanging Numerical Coastal Modelling Experiences Introduction to MedGOOS Seminar Exchanging Numerical Coastal Modelling Experiences for Applications in the Mediterranean Region
GOOS: open sea vs coastal component The “climate” component of GOOS has been, up to now, the main priority & focus of joint collaborative efforts Significant progress have been made: observing system more than 80% developed; global/regional forecasting systems in place Coastal component less developed; mainly based on national – uncoordinated programs Challenges of Coastal areas: Complex phenomenology (river runoff, coastal-open coupling, sediment dynamics etc) Variety of scales (temporal, spatial) Increased observing and modeling requirements (parameters, processes)
Mediterranean Sea approach Downscaling / nesting : basin scale - subregional (3 km) - shelf models Shelf models at 1.5 km Sub-regional models at 3 km
Applications examples Currents forecast: support of sailing games Sediments transport Pollutants transport; sewage outflow Ecosystem status & integrated management Oil drift forecast: response to accidents Ecosystem modeling in oligotrophic areas
A variety of models COHERENS Delft3D ECOMSED EFDC GETM Mike 3 Polcoms POM-2K ROMS NearCoM Symphonie
Remarks A possible model for future meetings Further development of coastal modeling / systems: a priority for GOOS and the Mediterranean MedGOOS seminar: an opportunity for scientific update and networking for future activities A preparation for Al-Bahri Several topics covered: Relocatable models Coupling of hydrodynamics – water quality – ecology Downscaling Modeling of lagoons Modeling of organic mater production A possible model for future meetings