Frontier Research Essay AP English Language And Composition 2018-2019
Review: Frontier A line or border separating two countries The district near a border separating two countries The extreme limit of settled land, beyond which lies wilderness *In its basic form, a frontier is a boundary, between land or idea or reality It is either external or internal (or both simultaneously) It is appealing yet terrifying in its unpredictability and chaos The “un-”
AP English Language and Composition: Frontier Research Essay Timeline Mon. 12/17 – Fri. 12/21 Brainstorm, pre-write & outline Research Draft During break – research, write a RD, edit, revise Mon. 1/7 – Ask any questions in class Tues. 1/8 – Final due by 11:59pm to
Assignment Sheet Brainstorm! Verb + Noun Preview assignment sheet Due dates In-class resources Brainstorm! Verb + Noun
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things… Open your journal to your list from yesterday Option 1: Add to your list! Option 2: Pick one (or more than one) of the items on your list and write more about it!
Verb + Noun Have your research topic (verb + noun) ready to share!
Frontier Research Essay AP English Language and Composition
How to Manage a Research Project Brainstorm Choose topic, try search terms, narrow and refine ideas Research Find, understand, and organize a variety of sources Pre-write/draft Transition from reading to writing Final essay Dot the t’s and cross the I’s. Pro Tips: Plan Organize Collaborate Reflect
Helpful Tips, etc. Ratio of research and your own words In-text citations and works cited Make a plan – and follow it! Final due Tuesday 1/8/18
In-Text Citations The basics: Formatting quotations:
Works Cited Page Basic format: Sample Works Cited page:
“The struggle alone pleases us; not the victory” - Blaise Pascal (mathematician and philosopher)
Frontier Research Essay Reflection Answer these on a separate sheet of notebook paper (you’ll turn it in with your essay) What is one tool you used during this project (to plan, research, organize, edit, etc.) that you’ll continue to use in the future? Which topic did you choose? Why? Do you still like your topic? Tell me about an interesting fact/piece of information you learned during your research. What was the most complicated part of this entire project? In what ways were you successful? In what ways were you not? Any “do-over’s” for next time?