Meeting of the Directors of Social Statistics Introduction Meeting of the Directors of Social Statistics 21 March 2011 Inna Šteinbuka Director, Social and Information Society Statistics Eurostat
Brief summary of past process Starting point: ‘vision’ on the production method of EU statistics (Communication 404/ 2009) From Vision to Strategy (ESS overall strategy) Strategy for Social Statistics is part of overall ESS strategy First discussion at the DSS in March 2010. DSS were positive and endorsed the creation of the strategic task force Two meetings of the strategic task force (June 2010 & January 2011) Recent TF meeting discussed: overall strategic approach, two pillar model, survey of Member States starting points, timeliness and the Spanish model Director of Social Statistics, 21-22 March 2011, Luxembourg
Progress in taking forward DSS conclusions (of March 2010) Better understanding of countries specific situations following a survey of Member States Refinements to a model for a new infrastructure that would modernise the system of micro-data collections in social statistics Development of specific projects (data matching, use of internet traffic flows etc) Further elaboration of the overall strategic approach Director of Social Statistics, 21-22 March 2011, Luxembourg
Main conclusions of Task Force Modernisation 2011 Proposal for a limited pillar model was supported even though precise model needs further analysis On the pillar approach, the Task Force raised issues such as What would be the efficiency gains & cost savings on data production under a rolling module approach? What would be the impact (if any) on quality of the data? What would be the impact (if any) on the users of the data? A number of ideas for possible actions put forward, such as Better exploitation of administrative data Better use of the internet and multi mode approaches Encourage statistical techniques such as data matching Some support for an initiative on timeliness to follow the Spanish model but more volunteers needed Director of Social Statistics, 21-22 March 2011, Luxembourg
What do we need to do today? Present our proposals and hear your reflections on: The overall proposed strategic approach Proposed target infrastructure for social statistics Two pillar model, as a key element at the heart of the modernisation strategy Consider what should be Eurostat actions either for financing, facilitation/co-ordination, development of the legal framework for 2012 2013 -2017 Director of Social Statistics, 21-22 March 2011, Luxembourg
What will be the next steps? Time for further written contributions until end April 2011 On the basis of this, Eurostat will refine its approach in the light of MS contributions Input into the development of financing programmes to the Annual Work Plan 2012 To the Multi-annual Programme 2013-2017 Adoption by the DSS in September 2011 DGINS in September/Opinion of the ESSC in November 2011 Start of implementation phase, 2012 actions planned on (inter alia) the use of administrative data further investigation of the pillar approach Director of Social Statistics, 21-22 March 2011, Luxembourg