1st Trimester:=1,2 & 3 months Fetus Stages of Pregnancy 1st Trimester:=1,2 & 3 months Fetus ~Heart beat ~Arm and leg buds appear ~Eyes and brain develop ~Embryo is about the size of a BB pellet ~Baby lifts head Mother Breasts begin to get fuller and tender Fatigue, nausea Emotional, joy, fear, moodiness End of 3rd month abdomen enlarges
By the end of 1st trimester: ~Brain waves detected ~Bones and muscles develop ~Heart, lungs, brain, eyes, arms, and legs have formed
Fetus 2nd Trimester: 4, 5, 6 months ~Organs develop ~Fetus can hear and recognize voices ~Sex can be determined ~”Kick” is felt ~Hair forms ~Head/Facial features form ~Finger and toe nails grow
2nd Trimester: Mother Appetite increases Forgetful, clumsy Swollen abdomen Fetal movement can be detected at end of trimester
~Fetus develops most of its weight 3rd Trimester: 7-9 months ~Fetus develops most of its weight ~By 8 months most fetus’s are 20 inches long ~Brain further develops ~Organs complete ~Fetus can move hand .
3rd Trimester: Breathing becomes difficult Blood volume raises 30-40% Organs become compressed Heart beats faster Eating is uncomfortable Emotional
Body Changes Uterus Known as the womb Expands Gets soft Skin Dark spots Dark line between navel and pubic hair Stretch marks may appear on thighs buttocks, breasts, stomach
Cravings May crave because your body is in need of certain vitamins and minerals Sometimes fresh fruit and veggies can get rid of cravings. Weight Gain 25-35 lbs Location Of Weight: Weight Gain: Baby 71/ 2 pounds Extra Weight 7-10 pounds Fluids 4 Pounds Uterus 2 Pounds Amniotic Fluid 2 Pounds Breasts 2 Pounds Placenta 1-1 1/1 Pounds Total Weigh Gain 25-30 Pounds