Preparing Your Child For A Successful Middle School Experience Principal: Steve Karsner Assistant Principal: Brian Wheeler Counselors: Robin Price and Shannon Holland Preparing today’s generation for tomorrow’s challenges
BCMS Guidelines for Success! Enter to Learn Attitude is Everything Give/Get Respect Lead by Example Effort is Essential Service to Others
New Immunizations are required by the FIRST day of school New Immunizations are required by the FIRST day of school. Sixth grade physical due in the first two weeks of school.
Soaring opportunities Spanish, Chinese, Drama Y-Club , KUNA and KYA, FPS, Quick recall, Written Assessment, 6th grade showcase, FCA, First Priority, Math Counts, football, basketball, soccer, cross country, wrestling, cheerleading, softball, baseball, volleyball, track, golf, archery
SCHEDULE Students will have 6 periods… Math, L.A., Science, Social Studies, Reading, and a Related Arts class Related Arts/Enrichment Opportunities include… P.E. , Art, Practical Living, Music, Technology, Spanish, Drama, Band, Reading
Tips For Success Organization- Students should have a binder for each class. Lockers- Each child will have his/her own locker. Please encourage your child to keep it clean. Agenda Book- Students will receive an agenda book. It is important to check nightly for assignments and upcoming projects.
Arrival / Dismissal AM- Buses drop students off in front of the building. Students enter into gym and wait until 8:00 bell (Do not come before 7:30! The doors will be locked and no supervision is provided until 7:30). We need students on campus at 8:00. PM-Buses pick students up in front of the building- always in the same order The Bell Rings at 3:05. Car riders dismissed when buses leave around 3:15. Students cross at crosswalk and load cars at the top of the stairs. Please drive carefully! If you are checking your child out early you MUST do so prior to 2:55
School Safety Policies, Code of Conduct, Zero Tolerance Choices/ Changes Newly installed Surveillance System Team Meetings with students Bullying/ Harassment Prevention through guidance lessons 6th graders are separated from older students (during class change, lunch, etc.).
Team Atmosphere Students will be placed on one of two teams – the Orange team or Silver team. Teams are randomly chosen and equitable. Creates positive climate Each team has specific location
Attendance To do our best, we must have all students make regular attendance a top priority! We call home when your student is absent!
Electronic Devices Personal use of electronic devices is not allowed anywhere in our building. Students should keep cell phones and other devices locked Some teachers may occasionally utilize student owned devices for classroom instruction.
Homework There will be nightly homework in at least one subject per night. Math is usually given every night. There may be some nights on which a student has homework in several subjects. All of the homework is meaningful and teachers are conscious of the homework that other classes may give.
DRESS CODE Appropriate for public co-educational setting. Must have sleeves. Shorts must be at least mid-thigh Must button buttons. No drug/alcohol related logos. Appropriate content.
Making the Grade The grading scale is: 90-100 is an A 80-89 is a B 70-79 is a C 65-69 is a D 64 and below is an F
Lunch $2.35 Breakfast $1.20 EAGLE ROCK CAFE
Must ring bell for admittance Must check in at front desk VISITORS Must ring bell for admittance Must check in at front desk
Parent Communication Review and/or sign student agenda books. Call teachers during their Planning Periods. Teachers will be creating an email distribution list Email teachers: Each teacher’s email address is their first name followed by a period and their last name @ Example:
Parent Communication Teachers are always available to meet during planning or after school. Like our fan page on Facebook Follow us on Twitter @BoyleEagles Parent and student portal for grades School Messenger Call System Also take a look at our website
We have services to help! After-school tutoring through ESS. Guidance lessons on studying and test-taking. All students get an assignment book! Mentoring Program. Youth Services Center
Live by the BCMS motto: ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING! Encourage your student to start the year off with the belief that she/he will succeed, and she/he will!