C ( Programming Language ) PSK Technologies By: Arti Sontakke An ISO 9001:2015 (QMS) Certified IT Company Computer Education | Software Development | Computer Sales & Services website:
History of C 1967 (BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language) Martin Richard at Cambridge University) 1970 (B - Ken Thompson at AT & T's Bell Laboratories.) 1972 (C - Dennis Ritchie at AT & T' Bell Laboratory.)
C is a procedure oriented Structured programming language. C is a basic programming language Definition of c Language
Numeric Constant Integer constant Eg:1,5,67,346 etc. Float constant Eg:2.3,8.45,6.8 etc. Character Constant Eg: ’a’, ’x’, ‘g’ etc. String Constant Eg:”Hello”,”good” Constant in C Language
There are two types of Data Types Primary Data type Secondary Data type DATA TYPES IN C LANGUAGE
Name Denoted By Format Specifier Size Integer int %d 2 Byte Float float%f 4 Byte Character char%c 1 Byte Primary Data Type
1)Pointer 2)Array 3)String 4)Structure Secondary Data Types
Variable is a name given to a specific memory location. Variable is use to hold the values, variables are always used with data types. Variable name can be anything. Variables Of c Language
Variables inside Memory int num=67 float y=5.8 Char ch=‘k’ Num=67Y=5.8 Ch=‘k’
The maximum length of variable name is 8 characters and minimum is 1. Variable name can contain numeric values and under score( _ ). Eg: int num = 6 num_one num23 num_1 Rules for declaring variable name
The first letter of variable name should be start with character Eg: × 1num × _ch Variable name can not contain spaces and points Eg: × num one × num.one
Header files contain the definition of functions which are used in programming. # include # (Preprocessor directive) stdio (Standard input output) Header files/Prototypes in C
1)printf() This function is use to print the text message at the output screen. Eg: printf(“Hello and welcome to c program”);
2)scanf() This function is use to scan the values. Eg: int num; float x; char ch; scanf(“%d”,&num); //Here:& gives address scanf(“%f”,&x); scanf(“%c”,&ch); Scanf(“%d%f%c”,&num,&x,&ch);
#include conio (console input/output) clrscr() To clear the previous output screen getch() To print all characters at the output screen and to hold the output screen.
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