Xiao-Jie Cao, Shalini Shatadal, and Donata Oertel Voltage-sensitive Conductances of Bushy Cells of the Mammalian Ventral Cochlear Nucleus Conductance – ability of material to pass ions Xiao-Jie Cao, Shalini Shatadal, and Donata Oertel
Anatomy: Characteristic of Bushy Cells Class Notes Paper
Physiology: Characteristic of bushy cells In vivo In vitro Two groups?
Methods – Slice preparation Exact location Controlled environment Drugs Patch Clamp Simultaneous stimulation & recording Caudal VCN
Goal Using the slice preparation technique, can the authors provide further evidence that there are two groups of bushy cells? In vitro patch clamp experiments Current clamp # APs Voltage clamp Voltage sensitivity of conductances
Results – Depolarizing Current Steps
Results – Hyperpolarizing Current Steps
Current clamp to Voltage clamp!
Results – Low voltage K+ conductance Voltage Clamp Current defined by blocker
Results – High voltage K+ conductance and mixed conductance High-voltage activated K+ conductance Blocked by 10 mM TEA Hyperpolarization activated conductances Blocked by 50 M ZD7288
Two separate groups? Faster Depolarizations
Major Findings Low threshold K+ conductance Multi AP BCs Conductance variance for ‘two groups’
Conclusions Possibility of two different BC groups BCs encode fine timing Low threshold K+ conductance Presence may play a role in BCs ability to encode fine timing Two groups may = two different timing functions
Considerations Did they accomplish the following goal: [evidence that there are two groups of bushy cells] Why two BC groups important? Histological staining show three groups Differ in size and projection patterns Mouse vs. gerbil Lack of low frequency hearing & MSO In vitro vs. in vivo Direct comparisons possible? Slice preparation Advantages and Disadvantages Approx. range (Hz) Species rat 200-76,000 mouse 1,000-91,000 gerbil 100-60,000
Bushy Cells! Encode fine timing Project to SOC Two projections = two cell types? MSO receives projections from small BCs LSO receives projections from large BCs
Figure 2
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10