Guided Pathways – cohort Criteria Who is in the cohort? A deep dive. SBCTC Policy Research 11/28/2018
Who is in the GP Cohort? New students with <10 college level credits Returning students with <10 college level credits Transfers-In with <10 college level credits Basic Skills students who transitioned to Workforce or Transfer with <10 college level credits, meeting GP cohort criteria. A flag is set in the dataset for Basic Skills. It looks for Basic Skills coding +/- 2 years (4 year window) of the student entering the GP cohort (STUCLASS.BASIC_SKILL_CAT is not null) Students new in summer if they continue in the fall, new summer-only students are excluded
GP Cohort is by calendar year, for example: CY2016 = B563, B564, B671, B672 CY2017 = B673, B674, B781, B782 Why use calendar year? Because we can see cohort progress 6 months earlier vs. using academic year.
GP Cohort Criteria Detail A student enters the Guided Pathways cohort the first YRQ they meet the following criteria: [STUDENT].[AWARD_SEEK] = Y and [STUDENT].[INTENT] In (A,B,F,G,M) and ([STUDENT].[PRIOR_EDUC] between 10 and 15 or [STUDENT].[PRIOR_EDUC] in (83,90) or [STUDENT].[PRIOR_EDUC] Is Null) and [STUDENT].[PREV_COL_1] Is Null and [STUDENT]. [DUAL_ENROLL] Is Null and [STUDENT]. [FUND_SOURCE_PRIORITY_CATEGORY] = 1 and [STUDENT]. [INTERNATIONAL_STUDENT] = N and <10 Sum([STUCLASS_GRADE].[CR]) where [STUCLASS_GRADE].[EARN_IND] = Y and [STUCLASS_GRADE].[CLVL_IND] = Y
STUDENT.INTENT codes included: A Academic Non-Transfer Degree Program Coding Detail: STUDENT.INTENT codes included: A Academic Non-Transfer Degree Program B Academic Transfer Program F Professional/Technical Program G Professional/Technical Program Applicant (preparatory coursework only) M Multiple Programs Excluded: D Basic Education for Adults E Developmental (retired as of B67) H Apprenticeship Program I Applied Baccalaureate Program J Upgrading Job Skills Courses K Vocational Home and Family Life (retired as of B67) L Non-Award Seeking Student W Exclusive Continuing Education X Undecided (retired as of B67) Y None of the Above Z Not reported (retired as of B67)
STUDENT.PRIOR_EDUC codes included: 10 Less than 9th Grade Coding Detail: STUDENT.PRIOR_EDUC codes included: 10 Less than 9th Grade 11 Less than high school graduation 12 GED 83** Tech Prep 13 High school graduate 14 Some post high school, no degree or certificate Certificate (less than two years) 83** Tech Prep Other Excluded: 16 Associate Degree 17 Bachelor's degree or above STUDENT.FUND_SOURCE_PRIORITY_CATEGORY codes included: State Supported 2 Contract Funded 3 Student Funded Null Non-Reportable student such as an Unemployed Tuition Waiver
Questions? David Prince 360-704-4347 Thomas Mankovich 360-704-1058