Title: Sheila and how she changes Date: 15 April 2019 Homework IN: Booklet is due in on February 10th Homework OUT: Revision booklet Title: Sheila and how she changes Date: 15 April 2019 Objective: Can I track Sheila Birling’s development in Act 1 of An Inspector Calls?a character, their purpose and development in the play Learning Outcomes Grade Key Words All I can use quotations from the play to discuss Sheila. I can begin to explore what they might stand for. F Inference Quotations E Most I can use well-chosen quotations from the play to discuss Sheila. I can explore what they might stand for and what Priestley was trying to infer. D C Some I can use apt quotations and details from the novel to discuss Sheila. I can analyse a range of inferences and how Priestley uses language and structure to establish them. B A-A* Numeracy Colour coding PLCs Literacy Writing accurately SMSC & Values Filling out others’ PLCs
Exam-style question Starter: what did Amelia do in her answer that many of you forgot to do in yours? Challenge: how could she make her opening even better? file:///C:/Users/JC/Desktop/new%20doc2016013014420733920160130144207352.pdf
Exam-style question Why else is Sheila important in the play?
Exam-style question Why else is Sheila important in the play? She is important because she shows that she is capable of changing, unlike her parents.
Exam-style question Why else is Sheila important in the play? She is important because she shows that she is capable of changing, unlike her parents. Sheila is important because she represents the younger generation – through her and her brother Eric Priestley is offering us a source of hope.
Exam-style question Why else is Sheila important in the play? Sheila is important because she shows us the sheltered and self-important life a young upper class woman would have experienced. She is important because she shows that she is capable of changing, unlike her parents. Sheila is important because she represents the younger generation – through her and her brother Eric Priestley is offering us a source of hope.
Exam-style question Why else is Sheila important in the play? Sheila is important because she shows us the sheltered and self-important life a young upper class woman would have experienced. She is important because she shows that she is capable of changing, unlike her parents. Sheila is important because she represents the younger generation – through her and her brother Eric Priestley is offering us a source of hope. Sheila is important because she shows sympathy for Eva Smith and real regret for her actions. Her actions go someway to redeeming the rest of the Birling family.
Effect Reader Evidence Technique POINT Always start using the words of the question: Sheila is important because presents… Evidence Use evidence from the play: He describes her as… “________________”. Technique If you can find a technique, discuss it: Priestley uses __________ to…. Effect Explain the effect: This has the effect of…. Reader Discuss the reader: Priestley has done this so that the reader….