The Common Agricultural Policy and the Water Framework Directive


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Presentation transcript:

The Common Agricultural Policy and the Water Framework Directive Meeting of the Strategic Co-ordination Group of the Water Framework Directive - Bruxelles 21-2-2003 The Common Agricultural Policy and the Water Framework Directive Bernhard Berger, DG ENVIRONMENT, Unit B.1 This presentation does not necessarily represent the views of the European Commission or its services

Table of contents The Structure of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Impact of agricultural production on water Measures of the CAP to implement the Water Framework Directive (WFD) Possibilities for Member States Timing Conclusions

Horizontal regulation (voluntary cross- compliance, modulation) Overview of the CAP CAP Common Market Organisations Horizontal regulation (voluntary cross- compliance, modulation) Cereals Milk Beef Olive oil Others Rural Development Rural development plans Investments Agri-environment Less-fav. areas Forestry others

Horizontal regulation (voluntary cross- compliance, modulation) Overview of the CAP CAP Rural Development Common Market Organisations Horizontal regulation (voluntary cross- compliance, modulation) Rural development plans Cereals Milk Beef Olive oil Others Investments Agri-environment Less-fav. areas Forestry others

Horizontal regulation (voluntary cross- compliance, modulation) Overview of the CAP CAP Common Market Organisations Horizontal regulation (voluntary cross- compliance, modulation) Cereals Milk Beef Olive oil Others Rural Development Rural development plans Investments Agri-environment Less-fav. areas Forestry

compliance, modulation, Overview of the CAP CAP Single farm payment Compulsory cross compliance, modulation, degressivity Olive oil Others Rural Development Rural development plans Investments Agri-environment Less-fav. areas Forestry New standards

Impact of agricultural production on water Quality of water: contamination by e.g. pesticides and fertilisers Quantity of water: abstraction for irrigation purposes, drainage Land use: Competition with agriculture due to establishing flow-patterns and protecting wetlands Ensuring better resource efficiency and resource and waste management

Measures of the CAP to implement the WFD CMO: Cross compliance (= link of market support to compliance with statutory standards), previously voluntary for Member States, now proposed to become compulsory Currently the WFD is not contained in the list of statutory standards in the MTR legal proposals Member States can request the Commission to include the WFD into their list of statutory standards

Measures of the CAP to implement the WFD Code of Good Farming Practice (GFP) Mandatory standard farmers need to comply with on their own costs. Requirements for participating in agri- environment and less favoured areas. Agri-environment Everything going beyond the code of GFP can be compensated (= agri-environment) Member States should target such measures in affected, special areas

Measures of the CAP to implement the WFD Less favoured areas - article 16 Compensation of farmers for restrictions coming from Community legislation (for NATURA 2000) New standards Degressive and temporary support for farmers to meet new standards (this could include standards resulting from river basin management plans, e.g. regarding investments for machinery, storage capacities etc.) to harmful effects on human health and the environment Ensuring better resource efficiency and resource and waste management

Measures of the CAP to implement the WFD Investments (and young farmers) Support to farmers given for investments This could contain support for environmental friendly investments (i.a. reduction of emissions, irrigation equipment) Farmers benefiting need to comply with minimum standards on hygiene, environment and animal welfare where the pollution level does not give rise to harmful effects on human health and the environment Ensuring better resource efficiency and resource and waste management

Possibilities for Member States Target measures to WFD issues, e.g. pollution by pesticides and fertilisers erosion water abstraction Allocate sufficient funding to those measures, e.g. premia should be attractive special incentives for sensitive areas under WFD armful effects on human health and the environment Ensuring better resource efficiency and resource and waste management

Possibilities for Member States Design such measures on river basin rather than on regional/national level co-operate between water authorities and Rural Development planning align measures under river basin management plans with rural development plans where the pollution level does not give rise to harmful effects on human health and the environment Ensuring better resource efficiency and resource and waste management

Timing of CAP and WFD

Conclusions The CAP offers possibilities to implement the WFD Main measures are agri-environment, article 16 under less favoured areas, investments, codes of Good Farming Practice, new standards, and cross compliance Member States should take account of the WFD in Rural Development planning Authorities for river basin management and rural Development planning will need to co-operate .