The Secret Bombing of Cambodia and the War Powers Act
Info. Post Nixon’s Landslide of 1972 which resulted in him winning the election by a vast majority, Nixon’s relations with Cambodia got messy Nixon remained lawful to the constitution, even under attack In july 1937 it was revealed to the people that the America Government had been in a secret affair, with help of the air force, in raids against North Vietnam from Cambodia. BIG DISLOYALTY to the america people because the people were not just neglected about vietnamese affairs, they were lied to when the US government said they were remaining neutral. This generated a question of authority, especially in Nixon. This then made America more defiant. Vietnam cease fire in January of 1973, yet Nixon still implemented attacks on all communist countries
Info. While Nixon’s behavior started to become too aggressive for comfort, congress tried to stop him many times. Cambodia was in poor condition, yet Nixon was relentless. Pol Pot was the murderous dictator of Cambodia, which was destructive to economic and political factors 2 million people died in Cambodia due to Pol Pot While congress opposed to the expansion of LBJ and NIxon’s war techniques, the War Power Act was made in November of 1973. Nixon vetoed, it but it was passed and made the president report to congress within 48 hours after committing troops to a foreign conflict This act became a factor into the “New Isolationism” which restrained conduct of the nation’s foreign affairs
O: Nixon’s presidency, around 1973 C: Nixon’s secret is revealed to the america public in the Washington Post P: Reveals NIxon’s secret and fraudulent behavior going behind the backs of his own people and administration V: This newspaper article revealed that Nixon had the right intentions to destroy Pol Pol and Cambodia's communism, L: Nixon continues to move forward with destroying all communism Source #1
Source #2 O: Nixon’s presidency around 1973 C: The war powers act that restricted Nixon’s power and all other presidents in the future P: The wars powers act was implemented because of nixon’s recent deceit that resulted in too much power V: This cartoon provides Nixon’s anger about this bill because he believed all of his actions were in the best interest of the american people L: Does not reveal that nixon vetoed this bill, then congress overridden him.
Source #3 O: NIxon’s presidency, around 1973 C: Political cartoon revealing the deceit Nixon had with secret bombings P: to reveal to the public that NIxon might say he is innocent but he was responsible for thousands of deaths of americans without the people even knowing V: Nixon, while having right intentions, over used his power. L: Does not show how his secret bombings on cambodia helped, only negatives
Comparing Source #2 and #3 Both #2 and #3 sources are political cartoons concerning Nixon and the repercussions of his actions. However, Source #2 concerns the idea of the War Powers act, and Source #3 concerns the repercussions of Nixon’s secret bombings. These sources both reveals Nixon’s deceitfulness concerning his excess power.
Questions: Analyze the benefits and hindrances that NIxon’s secret bombing generated with his relationship with America people and communism. Imagine if the bombing on Cambodia were not secret, what would have resulted from this?