The Learning Revolution: Its Power Powerful forces are already changing practices of learning. Our intent is to help people understand and amplify the changes that they are already participants.
The Learning Revolution: Its Limitations Material Factors: Computational Tools, Connectivity. Socio-cultural Factors: Peoples’ mindset about learning. Institutional Factors: Forms of Schools.
We aim to Identify mindsets that hold back the new forms of learning. Implement examples that go against the paradigm. Engage in discussion about the future of education. Develop a framework of ideas.
Tools that fuel the change “We can not guarantee that good things will happen when we give every child a computer. But, the computers are required for good things to happen.” –Seymour Papert So, what are the kinds of tools that could facilitate radical changes in learning environments? What makes it a powerful learning tool?
LEGO Robot
GoGo Board
Digital Information via Radio
Environmental Sensing Chemical sensors, GPS, RF, etc. Data visualization System thinking Problem solving Autonomous system