Cheating in Pokemon How to Save Our Game Thoughts to Ponder Vincent Krekeler, POP ID 404 Yeah, I think that’s funny too now.
How Does Pokemon Define Cheating? Players who intentionally commit infractions are looking to gain an unfair advantage over other players at the event. The Head Judge should carefully consider whether an infraction was intentional or not before applying this penalty. If the Head Judge feels that an infraction was unintentional, this penalty should not be applied.
Examples of Cheating Examples of Unsporting Conduct: Cheating include: ❖ Drawing extra cards. ❖ Taking cards from the discard pile and adding them to your hand or deck. ❖ Offering some form of compensation to an opponent for a concession.
More Examples of Cheating Examples of Unsporting Conduct: Cheating include: ❖ Altering match results after the conclusion of the match. ❖ Playing with marked cards. ❖ Lying to event staff. ❖ Arbitrarily adjusting the Special Conditions or damage counters put on any Pokémon in play
Even More Examples of Cheating Examples of Unsporting Conduct: Cheating include: ❖ Use of dubious game actions intended to deceive your opponent into making misplays. ❖ Attempting to manipulate a random result. ❖ Stacking your deck.
Reccomended Starting Penalties: Tier 1: Disqualification Tier 2: Disqualification Why no leniency?
What Stops Us From Catching Cheaters? Too many players to watch all actions. Wanting to give players the benefit of the doubt. Difficulty of Accusation and Ramifications of What Goes Along With It. Getting Confused or Conflicting Stories Between Players when Cheating is Accused. Fear of Getting the Call WRONG.
Fun Fact About Cheaters ALL CHEATERS ARE LIARS. I repeat. They are lying to their opponent, the game, the judge, anyone they can, and for some, they have had a LOT of success……
What About the Cheated? Next Time you think about cheating, don’t do it from the perpective of the Cheater – Do it from the perspective of the CHEATED.
What is the Lesson Given if Cheaters Get Away With It? 1. You have to Cheat to Win. 2. If you are not cheating, you are not going to win. 3. If you do not believe in cheating you had better find something else to do. 4. Complete lack of respect for judging and the rules. No one has to follow them. WE DO NOT WANT TO TURN CHEATED PLAYERS INTO CHEATERS.
BUT CHEATERS STILL GET AWAY WITH IT…SO…..WHAT ARE WE TEACHING? 1. Cheating Will Be Permitted 2. Cheaters will be allowed to be rewarded and succeed 3. Judges will NOT be there to help you. Further, you may incur a “Failure to Maintain Game State” Warning when calling out a cheater who does not get penalized. 4. Good Players may feel they have to cheat to level the playing field 5. Good Players and Families may decide to exit this game
How Do We Stop This Cycle? As a community of judges, we have to be committed to tolerating cheating NO MORE. When a player is caught cheating, it is a Disqualification. No 2nd Chance for Cheaters. This is NOT just a problem in Masters – Juniors and Seniors too! We have to be strong and be firm. The conversations with parents are NEVER pleasant, but if they are done in a FACTUAL manner, not an apologetic manner, it is much more effective. Don’t let the parent make excuses either.
What Is NOT Effective? Warning a Cheater After They Have Cheated, yet not been DQd. What are you telling that cheating player? They got away with it. They got to get away with it. They were rewarded by their cheating (it worked). They were not caught, and they should do it again
Do you REALLY think its their First Time? I am quite sure that the first time you catch a cheater it is NOT the first time they have cheated. Cheaters practice their techniques, and often what they are going to do if they get caught! Once a cheater is Caught – they need to be dealt with.
Are All Mistakes Cheating Of COURSE Not. There is a BIG difference between making a mistake and cheating. It is VERY often difficult to tell the difference. Some are Easy. Those are Rare. EVERY JUDGE who has judged at the highest level in this room can tell you stories of players who “got away” where we were ALMOST sure they were cheating, but not completely sure. We have to be Careful not to go “Witch Hunt” on the Issue.
Final Thought When Analyzing a Cheating Situation…take a moment and think…. How is the CHEATED player being treated in this? Good Judges, Great Judges, it takes a TEAM. When you have the suspicion, go to your 2nd, your Head Judge, or if you are the HJ, go to your TO or your 2nd and discuss. There is a REASON you have a suspicion. We should be analyzing those situations more and more