Non-Local Effects on Pedestal Kinetic Ballooning Mode Stability


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Presentation transcript:

Non-Local Effects on Pedestal Kinetic Ballooning Mode Stability S. Saarelma

Non-local effects on KBMs, S. Saarelma 2/10/2015 Background EPED model assumes pedestal gradient being limited by the kinetic ballooning modes (KBM). In JET and low collisionality MAST pedestals the steepest pressure gradient region is locally in the second stable region. However, in the pedestal r*/LT << 1 is not valid, local approximation may not be sufficient. JET: MAST (low n*): <1: unstable >1:stable Non-local effects on KBMs, S. Saarelma 2/10/2015

Non-local effects on KBMs, S. Saarelma 2/10/2015 Outline Linear ORB5 runs in the circular plasma Linear ORB5 runs in MAST geometry Comparison to local stability Conclusions Future plans Non-local effects on KBMs, S. Saarelma 2/10/2015

Non-local effects on KBMs, S. Saarelma 2/10/2015 ORB5 analysis Linear Electromagnetic, kinetic electrons, no collisions me/mp = 0.01 Without this pedestal modes can get dominated by core modes. Local analysis shows a small effect on growth rates, no qualitative change. Profiles shifted inwards to avoid edge effect on the result No flows Convergence tested for the grid and the number of particles Non-local effects on KBMs, S. Saarelma 2/10/2015

Circular plasma, local stability ne and Te profiles 3 cases: no bootstrap current – entire pedestal n=∞ unstable normal bootstrap current – middle of the pedestal 2nd stable 2 x bootstrap current – most of the pedestal 2nd stable Ideal MHD n=∞ GS2 normalised g GS2 real g Non-local effects on KBMs, S. Saarelma 2/10/2015

Circular plasma, global stability experiment n=10 mode structure for f in ORB5 At low r*, there is no difference in growth rates between cases, as all of them are localised at the unstable region. At high r* with modes extending to the locally 2nd stable region, there is significant difference in growth rate. Non-local effects on KBMs, S. Saarelma 2/10/2015

Modified MAST case, local stability Old MAST case (#24763) with flattened core profiles and inward shifted pedestal. Ideal MHD n=∞ GS2 normalised g Non-local effects on KBMs, S. Saarelma 2/10/2015

MAST global pedestal stability No global instabilities when bootstrap current is taken into account in the equilibrium (even at b=0.08). Without bootstrap current, normal KBM behaviour with increasing growth rate with b. r* does not have a very large effect on unstable modes. Modes balloon near marginal stability, then move to lower part of plasma at higher b. Non-local effects on KBMs, S. Saarelma 2/10/2015

Non-local effects on KBMs, S. Saarelma 2/10/2015 Conclusions The local 2nd stability access for KBMs discovered in global analysis. 2nd stability access closes as r* decreases if there is a sufficiently wide unstable region. Non-local effects on KBMs, S. Saarelma 2/10/2015

Non-local effects on KBMs, S. Saarelma 2/10/2015 Future plans Extend equilibria to “fake” scrape-off layer to allow wider margin between the edge and the pedestal hopefully allowing non-linear simulations. Non-local effects on KBMs, S. Saarelma 2/10/2015