Embedded Systems Design and Development
fig_09_00 Embedded systems: Market AND Technology fig_09_00
fig_09_01 Embedded systems: Market AND Technology— Who sees what aspect of the problem? fig_09_01
fig_09_05 Embedded systems: Process “overview”— The product life cycle
fig_09_06 Some common process models (others given previously)
fig_09_07 “hockey stick model”—cost of addressing reliability at various stages in development Cost time when reliability is addressed fig_09_07
table_09_00 Design: Coupling / cohesion (of modules)—ease of modification 5 = “best” table_09_00
fig_09_08 Waterfall model fig_09_08
fig_09_09 V cycle model fig_09_09
Spiral model fig_09_10 fig_09_10
fig_09_11 Spiral model process steps fig_09_11
fig_09_12 “Rapid prototyping” NOT a FINAL PRODUCT! fig_09_12
fig_09_13 Design process fig_09_13
fig_09_14 requirements specifications Requirements definition
fig_09_15 Step 0 fig_09_15
fig_09_16 Step 1 fig_09_16
fig_09_17 Step 2: example (counter) fig_09_17
figun_09_01 Counter example--continued figun_09_01
Counter example--continued figun_09_02 figun_09_02
Counter example--continued figun_09_03 figun_09_03
figun_09_04 Counter example--continued figun_09_04
Counter example--continued figun_09_08 figun_09_08
Counter example--continued figun_09_09 figun_09_09
figun_09_10 Counter example--continued figun_09_10
figun_09_11 Counter example--continued figun_09_11
figun_09_12 Counter example--continued figun_09_12
figun_09_13 Counter example--continued figun_09_13
fig_09_18 System: component level Example specification: pages 363-366
fig_09_20 Cohesion: inputs and outputs fig_09_20
fig_09_21 fig_09_21
fig_09_22 Counter system: hierarchical decomposition (one possibility)
Counter: environment interface fig_09_23 fig_09_23
fig_09_24 Counter: functional decomposition fig_09_24
fig_09_25 Hardware / software continuum fig_09_25
fig_09_26 Counter: hardware architecture (architectural model)
Counter: (functional model) fig_09_27 fig_09_27