Question 11 Is the intentional use of force or violence upon the person of another; or the intentional administration of a poison or other noxious liquid or substance to another. battery
Question 12 The killing of a human being by the act, procurement, or culpable omission of another. homicide
Question 13 Is the intentional confinement or detention of another, without his consent and without proper legal authority. False imprisonment
Question 14 Is the unauthorized entering of any inhabited dwelling, or of any structure, water craft, or movable where a person is present, with the intent to commit a felony or any theft therein, if the offender, aggravated burglary
Question 15 Is the intentional damaging of any structure, watercraft, or movable, wherein it is foreseeable that human life might be endangered, by any means other than fire or explosion. aggravated criminal damage to property
Question 16 Is the taking of anything of value belonging to another from the person of another or that is in the immediate control of another, by use of force or intimidation, while armed with a dangerous weapon. armed robbery
Question 17 Is the misappropriation or taking of anything of value which belongs to another, either without the consent of the other to the misappropriation or taking, or by means of fraudulent conduct, practices, or representations. An intent to deprive the other permanently of whatever may be the subject of the misappropriation or taking is essential. theft
Question 18 No person shall enter any structure, watercraft, or movable owned by another without express, legal, or implied authorization criminal trespass
Question 19 The intentional concealment of any firearm, or other instrumentality customarily used or intended for probable use as a dangerous weapon, on one's person; or… illegal carrying of weapons
Question 20 Is the intentional failure of the driver of a vehicle involved in or causing any accident, to stop such vehicle at the scene of the accident, to give his identity, and to render reasonable aid. hit-and-run driving