INSPIRE Resources & Costing.
The Plus Class. Pupils are directed through the Local Authority Service Level Agreement.
The Intervention Class. (Six Week Programme). Primary age pupils who are suffering long standing difficulties within school. This provision is accessed through the Local Authority panel referral. CIC will follow the same assessment programme as below and will require the same finance arrangement. Option Child has an EHCP Supported by a TA from the referring school Cost 1 No All class sessions per week £1100 2 One class session per week £1500 3 Yes Transport for Stoke on Trent Schools: £480 total. Transport for other area Schools: To be negotiated.
The Prevention Class. This provision operates on a two tier system for primary aged pupils experiencing moderate difficulty within school. Transport can be negotiated with the class facilitator. If a pupil has a TA who supports them, then they are also required to attend. Pupils in this class can attend for a maximum of ten days at any one time. Tier Cost 1 £3700 annual cost (this is not restricted to one child, includes FSM allowance) 2 £500 service level agreement sign up fee. £100 per day per child.(FSM cost will be charged) Outreach a 10% discount is given to schools who have an INSPIRE Prevention SLA.
Observation & Consultation. An INSPIRE staff member will attend your setting to observe a pupil of your choice. Recommendations and strategies will then be shared with staff members working with that child. An observation of a pupil with recommendations and strategies shared. If appropriate Boxall, Southampton & SDQ assessments can be completed and analysed. Free. All of the above is dependant upon capacity and is agreed at the INSPIRE managers discretion.
Family Session – A Time For Us. A Time For Us is all about students and their parents engaging in fun nurturing activities such as arts & crafts or baking. Parents can feel supported with their children and have access to liaise with a trained family worker. Consultation session with staff at school . Free. Taster session. Our family worker will attend your setting and complete one family learning session. Staff from the school should be present. £60. A six session programme in which the family worker will attend your school and will run six ‘A Time For Us’ sessions. This will include assessing the impact of the sessions. It is required that one member of staff from the setting is present. £500. A student and their parent can access ‘A Time For Us’ session at INSPIRE (transport not provided). £50 (Free if school is signed up to tier 1 Prevention class SLA). All of the above is dependant upon capacity and is agreed at the INSPIRE manager’s discretion.
(Free if school is signed up to tier 1 Prevention class SLA). Parent Group. The INSPIRE Parent Group gives focus to the Family Links Parenting Support Programme. Parents can access a warm welcoming environment where they can learn new skills. An 11 session parenting course. Each session is 2 hours. £130 Per Parent. (Free if school is signed up to tier 1 Prevention class SLA). All of the above is dependant upon capacity and is agreed at the INSPIRE manager’s discretion.
Positive Relationships. INSPIRE offer a variety of friendship programmes bespoke to each schools needs. We can offer sessions on Anti – Bullying, Friendships and Working well with others. A 6 week programme (1 hour sessions) designed for up to 6 students with 1 member of staff present from the referring school. Programmes cover; Anti Bullying. Friendships. Working well with others. £500. All of the above is dependant upon capacity and is agreed at the INSPIRE manager’s discretion.
Behaviour management. INSPIRE staff can share their good practise, guidance and support in managing classroom behaviour. Consultation session with school staff around identifying potential issues and creating an action plan. If appropriate solution circles could be used as part of this process. We will also provide guidance and support on review and reward and managing challenging behaviour. Initial consultation session and a follow up session. £100. All of the above is dependant upon capacity and is agreed at the INSPIRE manager’s discretion.
Taking responsibility & understanding consequences. Students can work with an INSPIRE member of staff to develop an understanding of owning their behaviours and consequences. Consultation session with the school to discuss the needs of a particular group of children. This will include 6 x 1 hour sessions. £500. All of the above is dependant upon capacity and is agreed at the INSPIRE manager’s discretion.
Managing emotions. INSPIRE offer a range of programmes developed through experience of working with children who struggle to manage their emotions appropriately. Consultation session with the school to discuss the needs of a particular group of children. This could include; Improving self-esteem. Developing emotional literacy. Emotion management. The programme will include 6 x 1 hour sessions. £500. All of the above is dependant upon capacity and is agreed at the INSPIRE manager’s discretion.
Relationships without fear. This is focused on children who have witnessed/been a victim of domestic violence. Consultation session with the school to discuss the needs of a particular group of children. The programme will include 5 x 1 hour sessions. Single sessions with staff or children are also available. £400. All of the above is dependant upon capacity and is agreed at the INSPIRE manager’s discretion.
Hidden Sentence. Hidden sentence focuses on children who have a family member who is/has been in prison. This is child centred within a small group for four weeks. Consultation session with the school to discuss the needs of a particular group of children / child. The programme will include 6 x 1 hour sessions and staff support. Single sessions with staff or children are also available. £500. All of the above is dependant upon capacity and is agreed at the INSPIRE manager’s discretion.
Basic Skills: Communication. This helps to develop communication skills of a child via group activities and relationship building. Consultation session with the school to discuss the needs of a particular group of children / child. The programme will include 5 x 1 hour sessions. Single sessions with staff or children are also available. £400. All of the above is dependant upon capacity and is agreed at the INSPIRE manager’s discretion.
Stop, Think, Do. This allows children to develop the tools to deal with difficult situations better. It helps children to STOP before reacting, THINK about what to do next and DO make a good choice that results in a positive outcome. This programme includes; 1 staff briefing. 8 sessions for 8 pupils. 1 whole class workshop. £1000. All of the above is dependant upon capacity and is agreed at the INSPIRE manager’s discretion.
Keeping safe. This focuses on dangers of the road, out in the dark, leaving school premises etc. This can be addressed in a more creative way if required. Consultation session with the school to discuss the needs of a particular group of children / child. The programme will include 6 x 1 hour sessions. This could involve; Stranger danger. Being safe in the community. Staying safe online. £500. All of the above is dependant upon capacity and is agreed at the INSPIRE manager’s discretion.
Nurture in schools. Evidence suggests that creating a nurturing educational environment for children in schools supports their learning and helps to develop their physiological, safety, belongingness and esteem needs (Maslow). Consultation session with the school to provide support on; Setting up a nurture group. The use of circle time. Mindfulness & Wellbeing. £100. All of the above is dependant upon capacity and is agreed at the INSPIRE manager’s discretion.
Cultural awareness. Our session on cultural awareness helps students to develop their tolerance and understanding of other cultures and enhances their British values. Single session with a child / group of children. £60 All of the above is dependant upon capacity and is agreed at the INSPIRE manager’s discretion.
Dig Deep Team Work Challenge. Team working and resilience building. Students discuss aspects of their own team skills before attempting the team challenge – Mental and physical challenges working as a team against the clock. Team then analyses and celebrate the positive team work aspects. Includes free school assembly, follow up certificates and progress data. Team constitutes 6 children. £400
Dig Deep – Discover and Explore. Following on from the Dig Deep Challenge this is a visit with a difference. Individually and as a team, students explore one of the chosen destinations, first finding and then following the QR coded clues which add activities and extra focus to the educational visit. £400
Dig Deep – Junior Apprentice. A bespoke package for groups or a full class that see students develop their team skills whilst applying their Numeracy, Literacy and IT skills in a competitive environment. Exploring, planning and presenting their own ‘Learning experience’ sees students explore the processes of creating a ‘school trip’ culminating in the winning trip actually happening. £1500
Assessment training. INSPIRE staff will share their knowledge and analysis skills of various assessment tools. Consultation session with the school to provide support on; Boxall Assessment. Southampton Emotional Literacy. £60. All of the above is dependant upon capacity and is agreed at the INSPIRE manager’s discretion.