Sustantivos Plurales Plural Nouns
In English… How do you make a noun plural in English? Add an ‘s’ shirt shirts sock socks Add an ‘es’ (words that end with ss, sh, ch, and x dress dresses There are some irregulars like manmen.
In Spanish… How do you make a noun plural in Spanish? Nouns that end with a vowel, add an ‘s’ vestido vestidos camisa camisas
zapato zapatos
falda faldas
In Spanish… How do you make a noun plural in Spanish? Nouns that end with a consonant, add an ‘es’ suéter suéteres
calcetín calcetines
país países
In Spanish… How do you make a noun plural in Spanish? Nouns that end with -z, change the –z to a –c and add ‘es’ lápiz lapices
pez peces
In addition… You must change the definite article to the plural form el los la las el vestido los vestidos la camisa las camisas el suéter los suéteres
el zapato los zapatos
la falda las faldas
el calcetín los calcetines