2015-2016 EWCSD’s Local Control and Accountability Plan [LCAP] Community Meeting # 1 East Whittier City School District “Opening the Door to Each Child’s Future”
Welcome & Introductions Superintendent’s Welcome & Purpose for today Group Member Introductions: -Name -School -Ages of students
Goals for the Day Current State of Education Local Control Funding Formula [LCFF] Local Control and Accountability Plan [LCAP] How the district will engage stakeholders The Eight State Priority Areas/3 Categories The goals set by the East Whittier City School District Stakeholder Survey Questions and Conclusion
Some BIG Changes in California since 2013! The State of California has changed everything: Common Core State Standards Testing of Student Achievement Funding of Districts and Schools (LCFF & LCAP) District & School Accountability (API)
Why LCFF? Local Control Funding Formula This funding reroutes more resources to California’s school districts with the most disadvantaged students: English Learners, Foster, Socio-Economically Disadvantaged, & now Homeless.
What is the LCAP? 3 year plan—must be updated annually with feedback
*The Eight State Priorities **See your handout for a description of these 8 priority areas
Inform & Consult with Stakeholders December-February 2016 The LCAP Process Inform & Consult with Stakeholders December-February 2016 Plan the LCAP March-May 2016 Adopt the LCAP June 2016 *see timeline **Point out the timeline Inform & Consult—Gather input from meetings, surveys, and interviews. Plan-Analyze current LCAP progress and prioritize current lcap expenditures/focus areas Adopt-with the recommendations from stakeholders-the Supt. makes her recommendations to the Board of Education.
15-16 Goals, Actions, and Expenditures by East Whittier City School District for LCAP Let’s take a look! Goals breakdown and the 8 priority areas chart
Parent Survey Input for 15-16 *Beginning in February Parent Online Survey Window will be open from: February 1st-12th
Questions & Conclusion of Meeting Next Steps: Compile the data from stakeholder surveys Next Meeting- March 10th at 5pm in Ed Center Thank you ALL for being here today!