The Animal Kingdom Mollusks, Arthropods, and Echinoderms Nancy G. Morris Volunteer State Community College
Subgrade Coelomata Mollusks Includes chitons, oysters, clams, snails, slugs. octopus, squid General Characteristics: molluscus = soft body coelom greatly reduced main cavity is hemocoel - blood-filled cavity in open circulatory system show no segmentation bilateral symmetry obscure
Subgrade Coelomata Mollusks Soft body composed of 3 main parts: foot – large muscular, usually ventral, locomotion 2) visceral mass – contains digestive system, kidneys, heart, internal organs 3) mantle – heavy folds of tissue which cover the visceral mass; secrete shell; form siphons, develop gill & mouth
Subgrade Coelomata Mollusks radula – rasping, tongue-like organ found in all except bivalves trochophore larvum – free-swimming; links mollusks and annelids to a common flatworm ancestor
Anatomy of a Clam
Phylum Mollusca Classes Class Amphineura - chiton Class Bivvalvia - clams, oysters, mussels Class Cephalopoda – squid, octopus, chambered nautilus Class Gastropoda – snails, slugs, abalones, whelks, periwinkles, giant conch
Review: Animal Classification
Phylum Mollusca Classes Class Amphineura - “both nerves” no eyes or tentacles marine elliptical, shell of 8 plates chiton
Polyplacophora: chiton
Phylum Mollusca Classes Class Bivalvia - soft body between two halves of a hinged shell highly developed muscular foot bilateral symmetry obscured most marine, some fresh water no tentacles, head, radula clams, oysters, scallops, mussels
Phylum Mollusca Classes Class Bivalvia - Pearl Production – protective function; foreign substance gets between mantle & shell, mantle secretes pearly layers of nacre around substance clams, oysters, scallops, mussels
Phylum Mollusca Classes Class Cephalopoda – “head foot” shell reduced & internalized in squid no shell in octopus largest invertebrates possess eyes and tentacles most active & intelligent squid, octopus, chambered nautilus
Phylum Mollusca Classes Class Cephalopoda – most highly developed mollusk squid & octopus possess ink sacs which produce melanin ; protective function head-foot arrangement forms a siphon through which water can be forcibly expelled producing “jet propulsion” squid, octopus, chambered nautilus
Phylum Mollusca Classes Class Gastropoda – “stomach foot” univalve – single or one-piece shell some have no shell largest – giant conch – 1 foot length Urosalprix – “oyster drill” bores hole in oyster + digests snails, slugs, abalones, whelks, periwinkles, giant conch
Phylum Onychophora missing link between annelids and arthropods ??? Peripatus Figure 33.26 Campbell suggests a stage in evolution of arthropods from a segmented, coelomate ancestor common to both the annelids & arthropods
Phylum Onychophora Annelid characteristics: Arthropod characteristics: segmentally arranged nephridia muscular body wall ciliated reproductive tract eye structure Arthropod characteristics: tubular heart tracheae hemocoel large ganglion mouth parts modified appendages
Subgrade Coelomata Phylum Arthropoda General Characteristics: most successful and adaptable of all animals largest phylum in terms of numbers of species means “jointed foot” all have segmented bodies & exhibit metamerism suggests a common ancestry w/annelids segments fused into specialized regions
Subgrade Coelomata Arthropods General Characteristics: Exoskeleton of chitin – semi-rigid but flexible; permeable to water; waxy cuticle prevents dessication coelom & hemocoel exhibit metamorphosis (change in form) exhibit molting (ecdysis)
Trilobite fossil
Phylum Arthropoda Classes Class Archnida - spiders, ticks, scorpions, mites arthropod w/ 8 legs
Arachnids: scorpion & mites
Phylum Arthropoda Classes Class Crustacea - lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, crabs Class Chilopoda - “100 leggers” - centipeds; 1 pr legs per segment carnivorous; poisonous Class Diplopoda - “1000 leggers”- millipedes; 2 pr legs per segment; herbivorous
Diplopoda: Millipede
Anatomy of a Crayfish
Phylum Arthropoda Classes Class Insecta - terrestrial & aquatic insects Class Merostomata - horseshoe crab, king crabs; “thigh mouth”
Insect metamorphosis
Limulus: A living fossil
Anatomy of a Grasshopper
Subgrade Coelomata Echinoderms (Campbell p. 625) General Characteristics: “spiny skin” all members marine exhibit secondary radiality (adults radials, but ancestors & larval forms bilateral) bipinnaria larvum resembles hemichordate larvum nearest in relation to chordates
Subgrade Coelomata Echinoderms General Characteristics: endoskeleton w/ external spines or ossicles unique water vascular system for locomotion body parts in 5’s or multiples of 5 dioecious external fertilization
Subgrade Coelomata Echinoderms General Characteristics: no segmentation or well defined head region autotomy (self-amputation) survival mechanism regeneration no parasitic members deutrostomes (embrylogic development resembles chordates)
Phylum Echinodermata Classes Class Asteroidea – characterized by “star” starfish, sea stars Class Echinoidea – characterized by “spines” sea urchins, sand dollars Class Holothuroidea – characterized by “whole” sea cucumbers
Sea Cucumber
Echinoderm water vascular system bivium trivium madreporite stone canal ring canal radial canal ampulla ampulacral groove tube feet aboral oral This is where you draw and label the essential components of a starfish. The list on the left should guide you.