Incisors Canines Molars Wolf skull
Skull 1 What did this animal eat? Why are the canine teeth so long and pointed? Why are the incisors small and short? Why are the cheek teeth sharp? Could this animal chew? What type of animal is this?
Skull 2 What did this animal eat? Are these incisors longer or shorter than the carnivore? What are the incisors used for? Are the canine teeth similar to the carnivore? Could this animal chew? What type of animal is this?
Note the lack of upper incissors
Skull 3 What did this animal eat? Why are the canine teeth long and pointed? How do the incisors compare to the carnivore and herbivore? How do the cheek teeth compare to the others? Could this animal chew? Why are the back molars similar to ours but not the canine teeth? What type of animal is this?
Bear skulls with relatively large incisors and canines
Skull 1 Small incisors Large, pointed canine teeth Sharp cheek teeth Clues: This animal is a member of the weasel family Can sometimes hunt a porcupine Despite their name, they are not known to eat fish…. What do our teeth say about our diet? What can they show about our health?
Skull 2 Large incisors Small canine teeth that look like incisors Wide crowned cheek teeth Clues: This animal can run very fast to avoid danger It will raise its white tail to signal danger Juveniles are called ‘fawns’ What do our teeth say about our diet? What can they show about our health?
Skull 3 Large incisors Large, pointed canine teeth Cheek teeth for both shearing and crushing Clues: This animal is what is called: an opportunist You might have seen this animal in a tree This animal is VERY smart What do our teeth say about our diet? What can they show about our health?
Predator Review the terms of predator and prey. Which types of animals are predator?
Predator & Prey Which animals are both?
Depending on which skulls your class has, this mosaic represents the most of the mammals.