BASEAL Relationships - 3
L.O.1 L.O.2 I can recognise when I am using a put-down I know how to make people feel good about themselves L.O.2 I can recognise when I am using a put-down
Let’s list some of the things that people say that make us feel good: (these are often called compliments)
Let’s list some of the things that people say that make us feel bad: (these are often called put-downs)
Put-downs might include: Saying or texting something nasty or unkind about the person Saying something about the person’s family or friends Name-calling Laughing at someone or making fun of someone (imitating them) Leaving someone out or not responding to someone when they talk to you Rolling eyes etc.
We have a model and are going to read the story “Pick me up don’t put me down”. Each time there is a “put-down” or something happens which makes the girl feel bad about herself we will remove one piece of the model. As we read the story you should notice the everyday ways we put people down and the effect it has on us.
How could you make the girl feel better about herself by doing and saying kind things. If we can think of enough we may be able to put the girl back together again.
Are put-downs necessary? Are they kind to others? They can be racist or homophobic. They are a major source of conflict.