Asexual Reproduction Asexual reproduction involves only one parent. All of the offspring are identical to the parent.
What are Clones?
Binary Fission Only single-celled organisms reproduce in this way. The cell doubles its DNA, then splits into two cells and each one is identical to itself. Ex: bacteria, amoeba, algae
Budding The parent organism produces a bud (a smaller version of itself), which eventually detaches itself from the parent and becomes a self-sufficient individual - identical to the parent. Coral also reproduces in this way, but do not detach themselves Ex: (hydra, yeast, coral)
Spore Production Spores are similar to seeds, but are produced by the division of cells on the parent, not by the union of two cells. One parent may produce many spores, each of which will grow into a new individual, identical to its parent. (fungi, green algae, moulds, ferns)
Vegetative Reproduction It is the reproduction of a plant not involving a seed, including; Cuttings: Where a piece of a stalk/stem is cut to include a node, then planted to reproduce a genetically identical offspring plant Runners: Where a stem grows sideways, replanting itself and starts to grow a secondary, daughter plant (still attached) EX: coleus plant, spider plants, strawberries, aspen, potatoes
Advantages Disadvantages Populations can grow very fast There is no need for specialized reproductive cells You only need one parent Reproductive process is quick Populations that have no genetic variations can be wiped out if there is an environmental change