Marine Strategy Framework Directive Common Implementation Strategy 18th Meeting of the Working Group on Good Environmental Status (GES) Action Points
Action points Who When Circulate the existing list of nominated experts (in relation to the JRC work on preparing lists for D1, D2 and D8) for the 2018 reporting) to the WG GES COM/JRC ASAP Nominate new and/or confirm existing experts to the JRC, for these expert groups WG GES 16 October 2017 Submit responses (if not already done so) to COM on efforts to ‘develop aspects of the revised GES Decision where regional or subregional cooperation is required, and progress made so far’ to be reported to the MSCG in November 2017 13 October 2017 Provide outline document on Risk Based Approach for consideration in the MSCG in November 2017 (IR, PT, FR) Provide feedback to WG GES drafting group from using the technical guidance for assessments under Article 8 By next WG GES meeting Provide feedback to the Commission on the last version of the Cross-cutting document via a template (to be circulated by the COM) MSCG Provide feedback to COM on ICES work plan 6 October 2017 Provide comments to COM on reporting priorities (DIKE_16-2017-08) Send ideas on how to take regular process forward for possible MSCG discussion MS/RSCs