Netley Abbey Junior School Assessment Model Assessment Evening Netley Abbey Junior School Assessment Model
Levels are gone – why? Undue pace and unsecured learning: Depth and breadth of understanding have been lost due to levels being organised in a way that allows for a ‘best fit’. I am a level 3c! What does that mean?
New assessment systems introduced Our new model shows whereabouts children are in their learning journey to reach ARE (age-related expectations). Within this, we use the objectives for each year group and have to assess whether they have met these or are on-track to, by the end of the school year.
Flexible Groupings To allow for the gaps to be filled in all areas of the children’s learning (on their journey to meet ARE) we have adopted a flexible groupings approach to our teaching. So although we still have sets in Upper School, there will be some flexibility within these, depending on topics that are being covered.
Reporting to parents We will report to you during Parents Evenings twice a year and at the end of the year, in the format of a report. At the Spring Parents Evening and on the Summer report you will be provided with assessment information to show how well your child is progressing in their learning, in relation to ARE. We will inform you of what your child can do and what their gaps are, in order to get them to ARE.
Homework and Personalisation
Reports and Progress