What does this tell us about geography in the past? It’s freezing here in the North of England. Send me more socks and underpants. I must keep warm to continue in these conditions. What does this tell us about geography in the past?
The Vindolanda Tablets Romans occupied Vindolanda from about AD 85 until the beginning of the 5th Century. The tablets are writings of the Roman soldiers and have been very important in understanding the conditions of the time. Map of north of england "... I have sent (?) you ... pairs of socks from Sattua, two pairs of sandals and two pairs of underpants, two pairs of sandals ... Greet ...ndes, Elpis, Iu..., ...enus, Tetricus and all your messmates with whom I pray that you live in the greatest good fortune."
Climate and Change The Causes of Climate Change Warmer Climate Snow Patrol Climate and Change The Causes of Climate Change By the end of the lesson you should be able to: Identify the three main causes of climate change Describe the difference between warm periods and cold periods Begin to appreciate what this might mean for the future
Snowball What do you know? What are the causes of climate change? Write down any ideas on a piece of scrap paper Snowball
? Watch part of inconvenient truth
The Hockey Stick What does this tell us? Warm and cold periods. Why? Talk this through. Get studetns to describe the graph.
Warm and cold periods Glacials – Cold periods. Some of these cold periods became Ice Ages Interglacials – Warm periods Are we currently in a glacial or an interglacial?
Why does the climate change? The eruption theory The sunspot theory The orbital theory Read the information you have in front of you. Discuss it with the person next to you. Now get into a group of three with people who have different theories. Explain the theories to each other.
The cause of climate change in the past. There are three main theories that explain why climate has changed in the past. They are all NATURAL. The eruption theory Now do the same for the other two theories The sunspot theory The orbital theory Write a description of this theory here. Set notes out like this
Plenary Go back to your snow balls. Cross out anything that you now know is wrong and add anything else you have learnt. Throw the snowball to someone else and choose at least 3 things to summarise today’s lesson.
Homework Set up a glossary and write a definition for these words: Climate Weather Glacials Interglacials Climatologist