The Urban Audit: Current state and plans for 2001


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Presentation transcript:

The Urban Audit: Current state and plans for 2001 By Berthold Feldmann 25/02/2001

Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up Some background facts Eurostat, like the rest of the Commission, has too few staff in order to fulfil its (growing number of) tasks Consequence: certain tasks need to be outsourced Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up

Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up Some background facts In order to outsource a task, a complex procedure of a call for tender has to be followed The process from call for tender to the contract (start of work) takes a very long time Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up

Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up What happened in 2000 April: Eurostat proposes a call for tender concerning the evaluation of the Urban Audit pilot project July: after some amendments, DG REGIO approves the call for tender August: the call for tender is published Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up

Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up What happened in 2000 (2) October: selection of the contractor(s) by Eurostat November: Commission approval of the selection February 2001: still no contract sent to the (potential) contractor(s) Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up

Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up Plans for 2001 March - June: thorough evaluation of the Urban Audit pilot project Which variables posed problems? Does the definition of certain variables need to be changed? What about “Wider Territorial Units”? At the same time: build a proper database with the pilot project data Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up

Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up Work Program 2001 Around July: take the necessary decisions Future core variables Definitions The cities to be covered August: develop questionnaire for next data collection Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up

Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up Second half 2001 Around September: Working Party with National Statistical Offices Target: organise data collection Decision on national co-ordinators Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up

Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up Then …... Organise a call for tender concerning the next round of Urban Audit data collection 2002: Start Urban Audit II Helsinki 2001: Urban Audit follow-up

Thanks for listening ! Any Questions ?