Distinction task Criteria: “Compare and contrast how the energy systems are used in sports with different demands” You can choose any sports you want However, you need to use sports that will allow you to compare and contrast – i.e. there needs to be some similarities and differences. Some sports may use all 3 systems (as in the merit task), but there may be sports that only use system 1 or systems 1&2. You must refer to at least 3 different sports.
Distinction - example The energy systems required in the sports of netball and football will be very similar…The ATP-CP alactic acid system is required in both sports in order to….The lactic acid system will also be required in these sports to….The aerobic system will be used in both of these sports as they both require the sportsmen/women to play for…. In comparison, events like the 100m and 200m sprint will not require the use of all three systems. This is because….. Only system 1 will be required in order to…. This is similar to a 400m race, however systems 1 and 2 will be used in this event. This is because… System 3 is not required because….