Peas and Beans - The Legume Family Ca5 Co1+2+2 A9+1 G1
Vegetative Features Leaves alternate, compound, with stipules Some are twining vines Root nodules
Reproductive Features Flowers with a banner, wings, and a keel Androecium of 9 fused stamens and one free stamen Pistil simple Fruit a legume or loment
Economic Importance The third largest family of flowering plants The second most economically important Source of peas, beans, alfalfa, clover Nitrogen fixation Source of indigo dye
nodules fix atmospheric nitrogen and make it available to the plants Rhizobium bacteria dwelling in the root nodules fix atmospheric nitrogen and make it available to the plants lev70065_bx13_01.jpg
Amphicarpaea bracteata Local flora Apios americana Ground nut Desmodium canadense Showy tick-trefoil Amphicarpaea bracteata Hog peanut Lathyrus maritimus Beach pea