MTSA programme School Direct
Roles and Responsibilities of Head Teacher. To sign and adhere to the Partnership Agreement. Arrange and agree appropriate contracts for student teachers on the Salaried Programme
Roles and Responsibilities of Head Teacher. Release Mentors for sufficient time in order to attend appropriate training and undertake their tasks in supporting the student
Roles and Responsibilities of mentors. Curriculum Mentor (secondary) – a specialist in the subject area of the student teacher who plans and overseas a programme of subject knowledge development for the student teacher, ensures he/she has an appropriate timetable and that he/she has regular, informative, constructive, written feedback on his/her teaching. The Curriculum Mentor meets weekly with the student teacher to discuss progress and set targets through the journal portfolio.
Roles and Responsibilities of mentors. Class Teacher (primary) – a specialist in the year group or class being taught who plans and overseas a programme of subject knowledge development for the student teacher. He/she ensures the trainee has an appropriate timetable and that gets regular, informative, constructive, written feedback on his/her teaching. The Mentor meets weekly with the student teacher to discuss progress and set targets through the journal portfolio.
Roles and Responsibilities of Host School. To ensure timetables are constructed to enable student teachers to attend all university taught days Release students for specific training days Arrange and co-ordinate a contrasting second school placement in consultation with the MTSA Release students for second school placement
Roles and Responsibilities of Host School. Ensure the student’s timetable is in line with the programme guidance and is neither too heavy nor too light in supporting student’s progress to meeting the standards.
Teaching allocation Student teachers must never be asked to teacher more than 90% of the loading of a normal classroom teacher.
Non-salaried Dates Solo Teaching Collaborative teaching Observation Professional Activities September – October 0% 20% 60% November - December 30% January – February 50% 10% March – April May - July 70%
Salaried Dates Solo Teaching Collaborative teaching Observation Professional Activities September – October 30%-50% 10%-30% 20% November - December 50% 10% January – April 70% 0% May - July
Part Two PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT A contract will be signed with the MTSA and the trainee outlining professional expectations.
Support MTSA SAL/ PAL (?) Tell tales!
Monitoring Weekly meetings with mentor Weekly observations with learning conversation. Evidence has to be uploaded on learning journal portfolio. Mentor agrees it and submits to CCCU Trainee writes evaluation following each observation
Gradings Early Impressions Form 8th Nov First Grading – 19th Dec Second - 14th Feb (must be second placement mentor) Third grading – 5th April Final grading – 2 weeks before final assessment. Standard 2 and Pupil Progress Grades must match
Lesson plans New pro-forma for secondary One size fits all Mentor website - Username: cccu-mentors Password: CCCUmentors
Area of Concern Grades 1- 4. 4 is automatic AoC. (Professional) mentor will register an AoC with clear targets Weekly reviews Deadline date given for improvement
Term 3 Second placement 20 consecutive days or 6 weeks for Special schools
Adjacent Age Range In order to meet the criterion C2.2 every student teacher must have a teaching experience across their training age ranges / key stages. The Adjacent Age Range Experience is the arrangement to make sure this requirement is met. Typically, primary training will take place across the 3-7, 5-11, or 7-11 age ranges. For secondary, training typically will take place across the 11-16, 11-18, or 14-19 age ranges, depending on the subject(s) of training. No training programme should cover fewer than four school years.”
Adjacent Age Range Primary- can be in the base school 15 days with at least 10 as a block 50% minimum solo teaching during this stage Secondary – across KS3 and 4
Prior and Post Age Range 5 days and does not have to be as a block No teaching is necessary but can be organised Can be isolated days Can be in an FE setting, Early Years, Primary and Secondary
Final Assessment Usually late June/ July Must complete minimum 120 days Make yourself available to congratulate the trainee. Early release is down to your discretion.
Reduction of secondary subjects Psychology Citizenship Computer science Health and Social Care DT