Dr. Narayan Sahoo,DD(SIRD&PR) Annexure - VI Model Schedule for conduct of Special Gram Sabha for Comprehensive Gram Panchayat Development Plan Sabki Yojana Sabki Vikas Presented by Dr. Narayan Sahoo,DD(SIRD&PR)
Annexure - VI Model Schedule for conduct of Special Gram Sabha for Comprehensive Gram Panchayat Development Plan Sabki Yojana Sabki Vikas Name of the Gram Panchayat: LGD Code: Name of the Villages under GP: Name of the Block: Name of the District: Name of the State: Gram Sabha Dated: Gram Sabha Venue:
GS Agenda: Attendance of Members (Registered Voters) as per Format Testing of Quorum as per APPR Act’1997
C. GS Business . Tribute to M . K .Gandhi , Father of Nation: Chairing of Gram Sabha Chairperson(Smt/Shri------------- Welcome Address by Smt/Shree------------------------------- Purpose of GS Meeting & PPC by GS Chairperson -------- Objective of PPC for Participatory & Comprehensive GPDP2019-20: GPF/GPMS: Validation of Mission Antyodaya Parameters/Other Data pertaining to the GP:GP Members/Chairperson Presentation of Poverty Reduction Plan by SHGs/VOs as per format
Development Gap and analysis from Mission Antyodaya Survey/Parameter by MS/ his or her representatives: Categories of Priorities(a, b, c, d etc): Critical Important(Most essential/Top priority): High Priority: Desirable:
Presentation of Schemes/Programmes by frontline workers/ Resource Person from line Departments under 29-Subjects and followed by Plans of respective Departments for (2019-20)- As per Annexure –VII Finalization of Comprehensive GPDP Read out and passed of resolution by majority and recorded with signature of GS Chairperson Geo-tagged photo of GS Uploading of Geo-tagged photo of GS in PPC portal Geo-tagged photo of PIB in PPC portal
Annexure – VII Frontlines Departmental Presentation of Schemes (CFY) and projected AAP for (2019-20) Agriculture : Agriculture Department: Shr/Smt- Land improvement : Department of Land Development : Shri/Smt Minor Irrigation: Department of Water Resources : Shri/Smt Animal Husbandry: Department of AH&VS: Shri/Smt Fisheries : Department of Fisheries :Shri/Smt Social Forestry : Department of Social Forestry: Shri/Smt
Frontlines Departmental Presentation of Schemes (CFY) and projected AAP for (2019-20) Small Scale Industry : Department of Small Scale industry : Shri/Smt Khadi ,Village and Cottage Industry: Department of KVCI: Shri/Smt: Rural Housing : Department of RD: Shri/Smt Labour Budget : Department of RD: Shri/Smt Drinking Water : Department of PHED: Shri/Smt Fuel & Fodder: Department of Civil Supply& Deptt. of AH&VS: Shri/Smt Roads : Department of PWD & RWD : Shri/Smt Rural Electrification: Department of Power: Shri/Smt
Vocational Education: Department of Skill Development: Shri/Smt Frontlines Departmental Presentation of Schemes (CFY) and projected AAP for (2019-20) Non-Conventional Energy: Department of APEDA(Solar light etc): Shri/Smt Education : Department of School(Elementary/Secondary) Education: Shri/Smt Vocational Education: Department of Skill Development: Shri/Smt Adult & Non formal Education : Department of Education: Shri/Smt Libraries: Department of Library : Shri/Smt Cultural Activities: Department of Art & Culture: Shri/Smt Market & Fairs : Department of Civil Supplies: Shri/Smt Health : Department of Health: Shri/Smt Sanitation : Department of PHED: Shri/Smt Family Welfare : Department of Health: Shri/Smt Women & Child Development : Department of Social Welfare : Shri/Smt
Welfare of Weaker Section : Department of Tribal Welfare: Shri/Smt Frontlines Departmental Presentation of Schemes (CFY) and projected AAP for (2019-20) Welfare of Weaker Section : Department of Tribal Welfare: Shri/Smt Public Distribution System : Department of Civil Supplies: Shri/Smt Maintenance of Community Assets : Each concerned Departments Plans under 14th FC 2018-19 & Projection for 2019-20: Panchayati Raj Department(covering basic needs): Own Source Revue Revenue: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): MLALADs: MPALADs: State Schemes like Adarsh Gram Yojana/CM Krishi Mechanization/CM Health Bima Yojana and many more : Services Provided by various agencies(Sarkar Aap Kaa Dwar Mein):
Village Disaster Management Plan No Cost and Lower Cost Plan Frontlines Departmental Presentation of Schemes (CFY) and projected AAP for (2019-20) Social Defence Issues like /Gambling/Child Marriages/ Polygamy/Polyandry/Kanni/Opium addiction and means for eradication Village Disaster Management Plan No Cost and Lower Cost Plan Shramdan/Labour contribution and community ownership/Community Mobilization Any others Issues etc