JOINING FEE RS.120/- +RS.130 Seminar ticket You get three benefits Up to 30% discount on Products. You can sponsor other people. You can participate in all seminar & Training programe free for 1 year YOU A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 If you purchase 50 PV on your personal ID any calendar month, you become consultant. What is Pv? PV is Product Value. Each product has some product value. For example : - 1Pv = Rs.90-140.
This plan is based on accumulation. + + + + + +++…... 1st month 2nd month 3rd month 4th month 5th month next month 50 Pv 200 G Pv 200 G Pv 600 G Pv 600 G Pv 500 G Pv This plan is based on accumulation. 35% Director 4000 G Pv 25% Manager 2000 G Pv 15% Master 400 G Pv 10% Consultant 50 Pv
AS YOU KNOW 1PV = RS. 90/-140/- FOR PURCHASING TEAM BONUS 50 PV PERSONAL 35% Director 4000 G Pv 25% Manager 2000 G Pv 10 % 15% Master 400 G Pv 10 % 20 % 10% Consultant 50 Pv 5 % 15 % 25 % AS YOU KNOW 1PV = RS. 90/-140/- FOR PURCHASING 1 PV= RS. 40/- FOR BONUS
FOR EXAMPLE : - IN ONE MONTH THROUGH 15 -30 TEAM MEMBERS 35% DIR. 100 PV 10% 15% 25% CONS. MAS. MANA. 300 GPV 600 GPV 1200 GPV DIR 100 X 35/100 = 35 PV CONS. 300 X 25/100 = 75 PV MANG. 600 X 20/100 = 120 PV ADMIN. 1200 X 10/100 = 120 PV TOTAL 350 PV NOW BONUS OF DIRECTOR 350 PV X RS.40/- = RS.14000/- THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE
Director “Rest Bonus”
SILVER Director 2 D in the first level Silver Bonus 1-8% “Rest Bonus”
Golden Director ”Auto\House”, 6 D in 1st to second level “Rest Bonus” Silver Bonus 1 -8% “Rest Bonus”
400 Ruby Director 14 D in from 1st to third level ”Auto\House”, Bonus ”Auto\House”, Silver Bonus 1-8% “Rest Bonus”
300 Diamante director 30 D in 1st to fourth level ”Auto\House”, Bonus ”Auto\House”, Silver Bonus 1-8% “Rest Bonus”
50p.v President ”Auto\House”, Silver Bonus 1-8% “Rest Bouns” 62 D in 1st to fifth level Award Perish Trip with Wife President 50p.v Bonus ”Auto\House”, Silver Bonus 1-8% “Rest Bouns”