November 28, 2018 Get out a sheet of paper and head it properly November 28, 2018 Get out a sheet of paper and head it properly. What is a social structure?
What was the social structure of ancient Egypt?
6.C.1.3 Summarize systems of social structure within various civilizations and societies over time.
I can explain your social structure of Ancient Egypt.
Which one of these do you think was the most important to Ancient Egyptians? Why do you think this? Nobles priests Farmers Unskilled workers. Pharaoh Artisans Shopkeeper
Give students a sheet of paper.
Please draw the following slide on the paper.
pharaoh Pharaoh Noble Artisan Scribe Artisan Farmers Slaves
Study the pyramid .
Turn over the pyramid.
Im going to call some of you to up to label the pyramid.
I will give you some candy corn if you come up and use it to describe the social structure of Egypt. pharaoh artisan Unskilled worker
I am going to assign you and your partner a 1. Please copy down the statement that corresponds with that number. You and your partner are to write a skit about that job.
Pick one of these and copy what they do. 1.Noble: you are close to the king. You might be a general or an advisory. 2. priests: you are in charge of the religious rituals and temples. 3. artisan: you may be a carpenter, stone cutter, pottery maker. 4. Farmer:Egyptians grew crops such as wheat, barley, vegetables, figs, melons, pomegranates and vines. They also grew flax which was made into linen.
Copy the next slide.
Person in Ancient Egypt. Character 1:. Character 2: Character 1: Character 2:.
Put students into partners.
Lets students present.