Color-coded to match ACT Readiness Level STAR WALL Color-coded to match ACT Readiness Level Please use the STAR WALL with the STAR Instructional Planning Report for Reading & Math when meeting with students and parents. Keep in mind that the scaled scores on the STAR Wall reflect student levels for the Spring Assessment. The scaled score from the STAR report is a growth score that can be tracked each time students take a STAR test. You can have students highlight the projected score which will show them what they can actually make if they follow the instructional supports on the Instructional Planning Report. Each time they take a STAR test, they can circle the score and track whether they are increasing or decreasing.
Use the Instructional Planning Report with the STAR WALL when meeting with parents and students. If you draw the line straight down, the scaled score shows where the student will be when they take the ASPIRE test in the Spring if “no instructional supports” are put in place. (Ex. This child has a scaled score of 785 which is in the yellow range - “Close” for their most recent test. However, on the STAR WALL 785 is in the red - “In Need of Support” range. Remember the STAR WALL reflects the actual scores in correlation to the ASPIRE levels for the SPRING assessment. If the child receives “no instructional supports between now and the administration of the test, the “close” status will fall to the red range – “In Need of Support” for the SPRING.) If the teacher follows the instructional supports listed at the bottom of the Instructional Planning Report (shown on the next slide) then this child is projected to score 823 in the SPRING which reflects “Close” on the STAR WALL.
Instructional Plan This is the Instructional Plan (supports) that this student needs to have in order to score in the projected range. You can print this report each time a student takes a STAR test.
NEXT STEPS Make a copy of the Star Walls (Math & Reading) for each student and the Instructional Planning Report for each STAR test taken. If you print the STAR WALLS on card stock paper and place a class set in sheet protectors, the students can use the same walls all year to track their scores as they take each STAR test. Keep their sheet protector in a class binder so you can pull them out after each administration of the STAR.