gRaDiNg pLaN Augmented Reading and Math K & 1st Course Goals FOLLOW 2018-2019 “we can, we will, together.” Ms. Cunningham Room #222 FOLLOW THE R U L E S : Do Your Best Think positively and try your best. The goal of the augmented classroom is to give support to students who need extra academic practice in a smaller, hands-on, intensive environment. SMILE! Materials Needed Primary Pencils Primary Notebooks Index cards Course Goals Kindergarten Develop phonological awareness, Recognize letters, Count up to 100 starting at any number Add fluently with a sum up to 20 First Grade Decode multisyllabic words Recognize high frequency words Read fluently with a goal of 60 words per minute Count up to 120 starting at any number Use mental math strategies to add addends with a sum up to 99 “bE ThE BeSt VeRsIoN oF YoUrSeLf” -MaTtHeW KeLlY Projects and Activities All About Me Poster Readers’ Theatre Community Helpers: My Future Career iReady lessons Guided Reading RTI interventions Dr. Seuss- Read Across America Cool Sites Instruction begins at 7:30 A.M. daily Students are considered tardy after 7:35 A.M. Students must bring in a note detailing the reason for their absences Students are expected to make up any missed assignments upon their arrival Be Yourself. Everyone else is taken. gRaDiNg pLaN Students will receive standards-based grades from their homeroom teachers Students will be assessed at the beginning, middle and end of the year Students will be progress monitored using iReady and DibelsNext