How To Create An Epic Science Notebook!
It is YOUR Book! Write YOUR name on the title page of your notebook. That’s right… it’s YOUR notebook and you don’t want to lose it because this notebook is going to be EPIC! This notebook is going to be a treasure trove of awesomeness… an unbelievably amazing book that contains all of the incredibly cool science stuff you will learn this year!!!
What every book needs… So, you are going to have this EPIC book and you will probably want to show it off from time to time to impress other scientists, your parents, and, of course, your teacher. What’s the easiest way to find information in an informational text? THE TABLE OF CONTENTS… CONTENTS… contents (it’s an echo…get it?)
What IS a Science Notebook? Great question! I’m so glad you asked! A science notebook is an amazing tool that allows you to: •Ask questions •Document your work in class •Catalog your experiments •Record your observations •Share data •Have an awesome study guide for tests •Be creative!
What Does an Interactive Science Notebook Look Like? Interactive notebooks do have some basic requirements and we do follow a basic format. However, science notebooks are as unique as their individual owners! Each notebook is one-of-a-kind… just like you!
The MUST-HAVES of Your Interactive Notebook Your notebook will have: A Table of Contents Numbered Pages Vocabulary for Each Unit Labs/Experiments recorded in Table of Contents Drawings/Diagrams recorded in Table of Contents Data for each experiment/investigation Your notebook should: Be written neatly Have neatly drawn pictures and diagrams Have student generated questions
Labs Contain the following: •Title •Questions •Hypothesis •Written procedures •Conducted the experiment •Observations made during lab •Recorded data •Conclusion
Title Page We are now going to finish our title pages. You should already have your name on the page. Now I want you to create an epic title page that shows your personality.
Title Page Examples