The Earliest Human Ancestors Anthropology The Earliest Human Ancestors
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This is awesome…
Common Ancestry Humans and Chimpanzees shared a common ancestor between 5 and 7 million years ago. What happened? Roughly our 250 000s grandparent. This common ancestor probably looked very different from both a chimpanzee and a human. Define both cultures.
Some of the Early Ones… Ardipithecus Ramidus Australopithecus Anamensis Australopithecus Afarensis (Lucy & Laetoli) Robust Australopithecus’ (Boisei/Robustus) Some of the Early Ones…
Ardipithecus ramidus
Lived 4.4 million years ago in Africa. One of the earliest known human ancestors. Walked on two legs on the ground, but walked on all fours on the tops of tree branches. “Ardi” Like this =>
ARDI It is likely that Ardipithecus Ramidus was the ancestor of the many different species of humans that came afterwards.
Ramidus Small cranium (350cc) Reduced canines Long curved fingers/opposable big toe Pelvis modified for bipedalism Ramidus
Kenyanthropus Platyops 3.5-3.3mya Put in line with robustus, rudolfensis, boisei, erectus and face seemed to be flatter (hence name: “flat face”)…face was :prognathic Different enough, therefore: a new species. Most similar to Rudolfensis Platyops Kenyanthropus Platyops
Australopithecus Anamensis
Anamensis Fossils found 1000k ms away from Ramidus 1st hominoid femur found/largest canines found Similarities and close proximity lead to a “newer” species… 4.5-3.9 mya A direct ancestor of Afarensis! Anamensis
Australopithecus Afarensis
4-3 mya Samples taken out of volcanic ash (which can be dated) Footprints and femur length determin it as bipedal! A first! Also adapted to life in trees too (hands and feet) Lucy and Laetoli footprints
Laetoli Footprints
A split?
Robustus Boisei 2.5-1.5 mya The Robust Type…
Robustus Remarkably bigger than africanus (teeth) Specialized chewing teeth compared to others Cranial capacity of 530cc (not just a big dumb dude as thought to be compared to slender-sleek africanus) Lack of post cranial remains…. Robustus
A. Boisei Amazing! Close to whole cranium found (dated to 2.3-1.2mya) Thickest enamel on hominoid ever found (molars also about twice our size but with microwear). Diet? Robust looking skull: massive sagittal crest, large jaws Massive sexual dimorphism (males: 65kgs/ females: 45kgs) A. Boisei