Catholic (Counter) Reformation EQ: Which had a greater impact on Europe: The Protestant or the Catholic (Counter) Reformation? Explain why.
The Council of Trent (1545) A. Reaffirmed the traditional Catholic views that salvation comes through faith and good works. The church will no longer sell indulgences. B. The Christian Bible is not the only source of religious truth. C. Ended abuses like worldliness and corruption among the clergy and created schools to better train the clergy who could challenge Protestant teachings. D. Reformed the office of the Pope (Papacy)
Pope empowers the Inquisition The Inquisition was a Church court set up during the Middle Ages to fight heresy Heresy - questioning of religious doctrine Used secret testimony, torture and execution to root out heresy Made a list of banned books considered too immoral or irreligious for Catholics to read Included material from Luther and Calvin and some humanists
Founding of the Jesuits The pope recognized a new religious order founded by Ignatius of Loyola called the Jesuits This strict and rigorous training and absolute obedience to the Church Led the Jesuits to embark on a crusade to defend and spread the Catholic faith worldwide These Jesuits play a big part in bringing Catholicism to distant lands including Asia, Africa, and the Americas Many Catholic schools in the world are run by Jesuits
Teresa of Avila Born into a wealthy Spanish family Entered the convent at a young age Symbolized renewable of faith in the Catholic religion Reformed Spanish missions Dedicated to prayer and meditations Created an isolated convent of nuns in Europe
Witch Hunts and Persecution of Jews The religious conflict erupts between the Catholics and Protestants throughout Europe Persecuted radical sects like the Anabaptist and people they thought were witches or Jews The accused were considered agents of the devil, and most were women Many were social outcasts and behaved in non-traditional ways such as beggars, midwives and herbalists Jews, in Italy, had lived in relative prosperity during the Renaissance. While Spain had expelled its Jews in 1492, they were allowed to remain in Italy. They were still pressured to convert. In 1516, Venice ordered Jews to live in a separate quarter of the city called a ghetto. Restrictions on Jews increased during the Reformation. Luther hoped that they would convert to his teachings. When they didn’t, he called for them to be expelled from Christian lands and for their synagogues to be burned. In the 1550s, Pope Paul IV placed added restrictions on Jews and Charles V banned them from Spanish territories and the new American colonies.
Today’s Assignment Directions: Create a comic strip on a separate sheet of paper. In this comic strip there will be at least 6 slots. Through these 6 slots, you will portray the following: 1. The Catholic church and indulgences 2. Rise of Lutheranism as a response to the corrupt Catholic Church 3. Rise of Calvinism as a response to the corrupt Catholic Church 4. Rise of the Anglican Church as a response to the corrupt Catholic Church 5. and 6. How the Catholic Church reacted to the Protestant Reformation